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i haven't played Anno 1800 for a month and now wanted to play coop with a friend. It was mainly Ok earlier, but now we are getting desync right from the beginning. After Resync it desync in a couple of seconds. Right before desync it also laggs by me (host). We've tried everything we could but nothing helped. We also checked if it will desync, while we don't touch a mouse and a keyboard and it still desyncs. I've also seen that a game without a AI players didn't cause a desync (tested only 5 minutes). As i mentioned, everything was fine earlier. Please help.
almost 5 years ago - UbiChrisMANG - Direct link
Hello players! Game Update 7.1, which is in testing now, will fix this desync problem. Details on the Update can be found here:

almost 5 years ago - UbiChrisMANG - Direct link
Ah, I see! I didn't realize this was happening so early. I cannot confirm whether or not it will fix desyncs caused by anything other than the specific circumstance listed. I see that HausmastaMC has created a Support case, that's good. I would just leave the ticket open for the Support Team to work on but go ahead and close it if Update 7.1 fixes the issue.
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Com_Raven - Direct link
Hey all, to give you an update on this.

First, the good news: Game Update 7.2 is coming today, and it will fix several issues that caused crashes and desync errors for players.

Now, the bad news- I cannot promise that they will fix the issue for all of you. The truth is that so far we are having a hard time trying to reproduce the LR40 error on our side, as any save games that affected players send us load and work well for our testers on the same game version. As such, we have to assume that the cause of the issue lies rooted somewhere in the combination of Anno 1800, your local PC, or your router/ ISP. We are adding additional improvements to the reporting and tracking of desyncs with today's Update to help us get additional insights into what causes these issues for some players.

almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Com_Raven - Direct link
Hey, I am sorry to hear you are still running into this issue. May I ask if you are using local saves, or from the Uplay Cloud Save?

almost 5 years ago - UbiChrisMANG - Direct link
Hi everyone! Game Update 7.3 is live now, one of items on the notes says "Fixed several issues that could cause Desync errors in multiplayer.". Hopefully these fixes will address the problems you all have been having. Details on the Update can be found here:


If you are still experiencing multiplayer desyncs after updating to 7.3 you can contact our Support Team for additional help here:

If you would like to submit a Support Ticket for help you can do so here:

You can also reach out to our Facebook and Twitter Support pages here:
almost 5 years ago - UbiChrisMANG - Direct link
Originally Posted by lox332
Everything is working fine now! Thanks for patch and support to everybody. After almost 2 moth I can play coop with friends!
Awesome news, thank you for updating us. Have a great time playing with your friends!
almost 5 years ago - UbiChrisMANG - Direct link
We are glad that some of your troubles have been resolved by the update everyone!

For those still having troubles, our Support Team can look into it for you, they can be reached in these ways:

If you would like to submit a Support Ticket for help you can do so here:

You can also reach out to our Facebook and Twitter Support pages here:
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link
Originally Posted by FI.Beldin
It's definitely not fixed. A co-op game with three players total, population around 100K at the moment with a lot of specialized island for housing, resource gathering and industry. Game loads up, and when we did just about nothing, it kept running. However, when the first actual in-game actions happen (like upgrading houses or moving a building etc), the LR40 error dialog popped up almost immediately.

When all players turned all their graphics settings to LOW, we were able to play longer. At medium settings or above, the game crashes to LR40 very swiftly after loading the save.
Were you able to submit a support ticket for this issue? If so what is your case number?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link
Hey Trigiz - welcome to the Ubisoft Forums!

Did you submit a support case for these errors, as previously directed in this thread? Can you test following today's 8.1 patch and let me know if these issues are still present for you?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Hey bobbigeuk

I'm sorry to hear you're having issues. Please try the steps in the following guides;


Also, we've heard from players that a difference in settings can cause this issue. Please set your graphic settings to low on both sides for testing reasons to see if that causes the LR40-message.

If the issue persists please provide is a screenshot of the error message and your up to date system files.
Dxdiag: // MsInfo:
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello everyone who has come back to this thread after the latest update 9.1.

I apologise if you are still receiving this desync issue and unable to multiplayer with friends.

Whether you are the host of the game or joining, please make sure to try each on of our connectivity steps for Anno 1800 - https://support.ubisoft.com/en-US/Ar...-in-Anno-1800/

If these steps do not help you, please make a support ticket on our website where we can further troubleshoot this problem for you - https://support.ubisoft.com/en-GB/Cases/New

Vanessa-Black thank you for getting back to us to let us know you are still experiencing this issue. I checked the cases on your account and can see we were still awaiting a screenshot of your port forwarding settings. If you can provide us with this screenshot privately through your case number we may be able to help you further, regrettably we are unable to help players further if they do not provide us with this information.

neqq could I ask you do the same and reach us via this link, which would be email support and not Live Chat, and send us your port forwarding setting of your router too please so we can further look into this, as I see you have been unable to make a case so far - https://support.ubisoft.com/en-GB/Cases/New
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by Derfilouuu
Hello, I want to play with my friend but when I launch the game and invite him in the game an error message pops saying that the error LR:06 occurred. Can somebody explain me what this error is and how to fix it please? I found nothing on internet and even in the ubisoft support.
Thank you.
Hello there,

Welcome to the Forums, above Milky has posted some steps for you to try as well as a means to contact us if the troubleshooting doesn't resolve it for you.

Please ensure you've attempted all of the steps in our guide; https://support.ubisoft.com/en-US/Ar...-in-Anno-1800/

Thank you