almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey guys, we can confirm that information provided has been forwarded to our team accordingly. Our apologies about the inconvenience it's causing and if it has been taking longer than anticipated.

FusionPhysx- appreciate you for putting time and putting this extensive post with a workaround and I do hope other players will find it useful too!
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey C0lbyte, thanks for reaching out!

I see you posted the same query in this thread as well, therefore I'd suggest to try reverting your drivers back to 457.51 or anything older.

Hope that helps.
over 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Hey guys,

Thanks for the updates, glad to hear you're back up and running for now C0lbyte!

This is something the team are looking into to so we'll keep you in the loop when there's news!
over 3 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by Aus69
I just payed over 160 dollars for the whole anno set and can only play for approx 10 mins before i get a "present failed" error. I've got DX12 running, windows is patched to latest version, all drivers are the latest, PC is a 3 months old. WTF? have i just bought a very expensive lemon? All my VR games run fine. Have tried all fixes described here and its still stuffed.
Hey there,

Sorry to hear that you encounter this error message after 10 minutes.

It is great to hear you have already tried some troubleshooting steps,

Can I check whether you have also followed the steps C0lbyte advised?

Originally Posted by C0lbyte
Try these steps. They helped me.

1: Install Nvidia driver 457.51
2. Disable G-sync and V-sync
3: Make sure windows page file is automatic and on ALL drives.
4: Try directx 11
5: Run uplay in offline mode.
6: Keep windows and other drivers up to date.
7: Try verify files in uplay
8: Delete DX shader cache in disk cleanup.
Hey there,

Many thanks for sharing your experience and the solution that helped you.

If ever there is anything else we can help with just let us know.
over 3 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link
Hey FusionPhysx, Narxes081206, and C0lbyte - thanks for your posts about this!

Our team are aware of the issue and are looking into this. In the meantime, FusionPhysx and Narxes081206, I'm sure you have already but just to be sure, have you ran through our troubleshooting guide, being sure to verify your game files, update your drivers and OS, make sure you don't have any unnecessary background programs running, and reinstall supporting software such as DirectX?

As said though, we're looking into it, so we'll post again in this thread if there's specific troubleshooting we'd like you to perform to help with our investigation. Thanks again for your updates!