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It says obtain the great eastern via Archibald's special quest "The floating city". How do I start this quest? As I entered my game after the BH dlc I got quest from Archie and I recieved the one npc guy and the great eastern ship - so I have one great eastern ship, but this club challenge is still greyed out = not completed. Is that a bug or Did I miss anything? Thanks


Takarazuka15 on reddit told me to write this here because it appears it is a bug.
over 4 years ago - UBI-Froggard - Direct link
Hey BattleOverlord,

It has been unlocked for you now
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Litten - Direct link
Hi there, sorry to hear this has still not unlocked for you, if possible could you contact us with an image showing this objective completed but the reward no longer available.?

You can also contact us via our social media accounts on Twitter or Facebook
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Orion - Direct link
Originally Posted by BattleOverlord
Here it is. I will also file a support ticket. As you can see I completed the task in the game and I dont have in my uplay account (I guess the reward is some kind of badge). Unfortunately this is not the only achievement which does not work for me. The Megalopalace does not work as well. Both achievements are completed (see picture 1 and 2) and in the 3rd picture (my account) you can see that rewards for these achievements are still locked.

Hey there.

Thanks for providing this info for us.

I've just tried unlocking those manually once again for you. Can you check once again to see if those are unlocked?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by BattleOverlord

Yes I have them unlocked now. Thank you for your action. I will update my case I started and I'm going to close it. Now I will try to get some more achievements and badges and it is possible it wont work as well. Maybe it is caused by my savegame, because it is rather old. It was started before the Palace and harvest dlcs - maybe it is somehow connected to that but I cant confirm it.
Thanks again.
That is a logical thought, thank you for getting back to us about this

We're always here should you need anything!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by AntiChrist7
Hi, I have the same issue with the following challenges
The great eastern
Aero tycoon


Thank you for the images

I unlocked "The Great Eastern" for you, as that was still locked. Both Aero Tycoon and Megopalace were shown as already unlocked however.

If those challenges are still shown as locked, please also provide images presenting them locked in Uplay.

Enjoy your day!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Hello everyone!

I have merged your 2 threads together, to help keep everything in one place

Originally Posted by Hier0nimus
Ok, I guess I'll have to fix this also ... (or ask to fix this for me)

I added them for you! Please let me know if anything still doesn't seem correct.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by AntiChrist7
Hello, thy are still locked?

Originally Posted by Hier0nimus
You only added "The great Eastern". This is also broken for
- DLC:Aero Tycoon
- DLC: Megopalace
- DLC: Fuel Efficient

My apologies to you both, I unlocked the Challenges but I didn't then unlock the Badges, which need to be done separately.

Everything you requested has now been unlocked! Once again, please let me know if you're missing anything.