
Anthem Dev Tracker

25 Nov


Originally posted by Fhorte

Looks like planet, though seems to be rumor

Ah, unless someone's changed something (which does happen!) - it's the continent (that's what the internal documentation says). 😊


Originally posted by ThatOneJayKid

I hope this helps.

Nice video! One small thing though, I'm pretty sure Mirrus is the name of the continent - not the planet. 😊

24 Nov

23 Nov

21 Nov

Every time you don your javelin armor you want to feel pumped up and ready for battle. Before you embark on your next journey to protect the people of Fort Tarsis, you can personalize each of your javelins with unique cosmetics, all fashioned in the Forge.

During our livestream on November 15, Associate Producer Leah Shinkewski and Character Director Francis Lacuna joined Lead Producer Ben Irving to show how the Forge works and what you can create within it. They answered plenty of great questions from the community. If you didn’t get a chance to watch them work in real-time, check out the video above, and read on for the most critical pieces of information they carved out.

NOTE: As the game is still in development, all game features may be subject to change and there will be more to share. We’ll update as necessary.


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20 Nov

19 Nov

18 Nov

17 Nov


Originally posted by Pilum-Murialis

Explains why you are a Wallabies fan then!




Originally posted by BrenonHolmes

Have you seen Bjorn's suits? They're an affront to nature... 😊

Fair point... maybe I would be runner up ;p


Originally posted by BenIrvo

If it’s a competition for the WORST. Then I win. Ez.

Have you seen Bjorn's suits? They're an affront to nature... 😊


Originally posted by krakendonut

Pretty sure the rarity of the gear equipped will dictate the prefix we saw here. Think of it like a gear score/light level sort of thing.

Edit; also based off of what we know about the alpha stage, it’s possible the rangers level was 4 with base gear equipped.

Sort of like this, it's just an easy way to understand the power level of your suit. It's more related to the power level of your items. 😊


Originally posted by bearLover23

I'm talking a full out battle of the wits for who can make the most hideous personalizations possible.

Like these fine... "specimens"





And whoever wins can be forever remembered in "FashionForge" or "The Anthem of Fashion" or "FashionJavelin" or whatever name we as a community agree to rally behind πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

If it’s a competition for the WORST. Then I win. Ez.