
Anthem Dev Tracker

07 Dec


Originally posted by MissedAirstrike

Quick question: why are we testing on older code? Wouldn't you want to integrate all the fixes you've made so we can worry about bugs you haven't fixed? Or is the new code not fully polished yet and this is the last "official" release?

I wouldn't worry too much about what to report and what not. It's all welcomed.


Originally posted by The_Kingsmen

Do the best you can to make this game as great as it can be, but leave the reveals to the Development and PR Teams. Whether you were accepted or not, a non-disclosure agreement was signed and it's important that it's followed to a T. Other people on this forum may not want to be spoiled, and the staff at BioWare definitely don't want their hard work shown off until it's perfect.

A non-disclosure agreement (NDA), also known as a confidentiality agreement (CA), confidential disclosure agreement (CDA), proprietary information agreement (PIA) or secrecy agreement (SA), is a legal contract between at least two parties) that outlines confidential ...

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REMINDER: I know it's been said a bunch of times, but this is a technical test. They're going to be pulling the plug, kicking the tires, flipping the switches, etc... all while you may or may not be in the middle of an activity. It's also worth noting that although feedback is greatly appreciated, this is also older code. Some of the bugs you encounter very well might already be fixed.

We hope you enjoy it if you got in, but just my friendly reminder about this being a technical test with some older alpha code.

Godspeed, Freelancers.

Your first chance to get your hands on Anthem starts January 25, 2019 with the VIP Demo. Dive into the world of Anthem and take the Ranger and one other javelin for a test run.

VIP Demo

Be the first to play Anthem with the VIP Demo from January 25–27, 2019. You must pre-order Anthem, be an EA Access subscriber, or be an Origin Access subscriber at the time of the VIP Demo to participate. You’ll also get an exclusive VIP Demo item to show you were one of the first to play.

Visit for details on how to access the VIP Demo.

Open Demo


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We live in an unfinished world. The gods harnessed the Anthem, a source of pure creation, to shape our world. But before they completed their work, the Shaper gods vanished. They left behind a land strewn with the instruments of their creation. Drawing on the power of the Anthem, these abandoned relics continued to reshape the landscape with catastrophic disasters, violent storms, and mutated beasts.

To survive in this world, we created the javelins, suits of armor that gave us superhuman abilities. Under the protection of Freelancers who piloted the javelins, the people of this world raised cities and built a new civilization. These settlements are a symbol of everything the first lancers fought for: life, freedom, and safety.

Today, our struggle against the Anthem’s world-changing power continues. And now, a new threat is growing: the Dominion, a ferocious m...

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Anthem is a world and story that has lived inside of my heart and mind for a long while. Two and a half years ago, we revealed Anthem at E3. And last night, we finally shared more about our story with a new trailer at The Game Awards. Seeing the amazing reactions was a much needed reminder of why we work so hard.

Speaking of working hard…while a small group of us were in Los Angeles, our teams back home in Austin and Edmonton were heads down getting ready for our Closed Alpha playtest. There’s been a lot of excitement for it, and I’d like to give everyone a little more context around what we’re doing with this playtest and what a player will experience.

We conduct playtests to ensure the key systems and technology that power the game will hold up when we launch. For this one specifically, we are focusing on load balancing and scale testing our servers and matchmaking. We will be focusing the time windows of the playtest to give you the best opportunity to experience a ...

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06 Dec


Hey everyone,

We have been working on a new Dragon Age™ game for quite a while now and I am pleased to finally tease the existence of this project!

While we won’t be sharing any details for now, I can tell you we have been building a new team around a core of Dragon Age veterans, people I’ve worked with on Dragon Age, Jade Empire™, and some of whom I’ve worked with since the Baldur’s Gate days.

While I have been focused on Anthem™, the rest of the team has been hard at work exploring ways to push BioWare’s storytelling to the next level.

I’m so excited to show you more!

Mark Darrah, Executive Produc...

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05 Dec

04 Dec


Originally posted by iGameYT

u/BenIrvo, u/UNTdrew and the rest of the Anthem team have done an amazing job with transparency and communication in the community. Im excited to see what the future holds for this game and how the world comes to life when we finally drop in.

I personally can’t wait for you all to drop in. I look forward to forming some bonds and taking on some Scars together!


Originally posted by ezioaudi420

UPDATE: they came, they heard, they listened. A FREE DEMO WILL BE OUT FEB 1ST. WOOHOO!!!!

  1. PEOPLE ARE CHEAP AND UNWILLING TO LET EA TAKE THEIR MONEY AGAIN. Pre-ordering cost $5, EA Access is $4.99/month, and Origin Access is 14.99/month. What do they all have in common? You need to pay one of these prices to play a demo of a game THAT YOU MIGHT NOT EVEN BUY. Now if you didn't like EA (as many of us do) you are already hesitant of anything having to do with them. So EA adding a pay wall for a DEMO reinforces all of the negative stereotypes you have of their games. The point of a demo is for players to try out a small slice of a game to see if they want to make a full purchase. But if you're forcing me to pay for a TRIAL when I already don't trust your company's money grabbing ways in the first place.. then I'm probably not gonna go for it. N...
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Thanks for the feedback, as always! We might not always have an answer for you but just wanted you to know we’re always reading. :)

03 Dec

02 Dec


Originally posted by InconspicuousBeetle

Mine says pending but I did not get an email like OP here. Is there a way for me to check if it went through or not? Cause now I'm worried that they didn't even get my request lol

I’ve signed up for a Community Playtesting session. What do the different registration statuses mean?

If you have signed up for a non-waitlist Community Playtesting session, your status will stay on Pending until we’ve verified your details. Please allow several days for your status to update from Pending to Approved.


Hope this helps! 😊


Originally posted by AuraofMana

Got a closed alpha invite email today, asking me to confirm and get in (because it's first come, first serve). Tried getting to the website and it asks me to wait for 15 minutes because there are 150 people in the line.

Not only did I have to wait 15 minutes, it rejected my queue number when it was my turn and it's now telling me to wait an hour:

I am not waiting an hour for this.

EA, fix your shit.

The right people are continuing to look into this, but my advise is just to keep trying on the site if you don’t get through at first.

Sorry for the difficulty getting through. It’s been a very popular link.


Originally posted by BrenonHolmes

Sorry this isn't working very well... I'll poke some people and we'll see if we can figure out what's going on. 🙁

Issue has been escalated, folks are investigating. 😊


Originally posted by Kilruna

Heya, is there any info about when the follow up stream is going to be? I'm so hyped to see more actual gameplay! :D

Will try to get an update early next week.