Original Post — Direct link
last week, I watched official R6 Twitch chanels and claimed 3 Esports packs. But when I open my game, I can't see them.
Last month I claimed 2 charms from watching Six Invintational and I get this charms in game, so I think connection with twitch, UBI and Steam ir correct.
Any ideas?
over 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link


After a patch drops are usually down for 24-48 hours to allow us to change the items received by them. They'll be up again in the next day or two.


over 4 years ago - UbiFate - Direct link
Hey CasioSnow84, have you checked your Base of Operations for the drop? IIRC they should be waiting for you in the stash!

If you still don't see the drops, you can always reach out to the Support Team for more assistance.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Ginge - Direct link
Hey CyberwokKy!
If you're still missing the rewards in-game, can you contact our support team directly about this
about 4 years ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link


Do these happen anymore aside from the official presentation tomorrow? Are there streamers out there that do these drops or have they been discontinued?

ever since they changed the system for drops, no streamer had them enabled. a few weeks now, I think. not sure what is going on

We've been busy testing the new system prior to tomorrow's announcement, but rest assured, Drops will be enabled and returning on other streamer's accounts in the near future.
about 4 years ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link

There is a major issue with the new way that Twitch Drops will work: the live broadcast is in the middle of the night for me. In the past, I could start the Twitch stream and go to bed and the drop would be added to my account even though I wasn't watching it live (I would watch it later in replay). Now, I have to stay up as I have to accept the drop during the live stream. This hugely disadvantage players outside of the US as the live times are almost always during the night the rest of the world.

(I already contacted my local Elder Scrolls Online ZOS members, and they told me that their local streams that next day won't be able to give the same drops, the new pet, as during the live stream).

Twitch allows 24 hours to claim a Drop after the campaign ends. In this case, you'll have until around 7pm EST on January 27 to claim the pet on twitch.tv/drops as long as you "watch" the stream for at least 15 minutes.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by Chrisly_Bear9
I linked my Twitch and Ubisoft account and watched about 9 hours of streams today, but did not get an notification that I got a twitchdrop. It says in my accountinformation that my accounts are linked, so I don't know what the problem is.
Hello Chrisly_Bear9,

Welcome to the Forums!

When watching a Stream, there should be a button below the stream window which says 'Drops Enabled'

Does this show for you?
about 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Hey there guys,

Thank you for getting back to us!

As long as you've received Twitch notifications for your drops, they will be distributed to you in-game in the following days after the event has concluded (16.02.2021)

If following this date, you still don't have any charms in-game, please let us know!
almost 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Moving to player support!
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello Vale_-_, welcome to the forums.

We would usually ask you to wait 48 hours for these items to appear in your account.
If after 48 hours they still not have appeared in your game, we can look into this for you and check your registered watchtime on your account.

Please see our pinned post on how to contact us about this and what we need from you, here -

Thank you.
over 3 years ago - EA_Rodney - Direct link

Hey @smooooooov, if you contact our live support team help.ea.com or reach out through social media @EAHelp OR https://www.facebook.com/EAHelpHub. They can check your account to see if they can find why you never received the Twitch drops.
We are unable to check account information through AHQ.

over 2 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by ACX-Gryphus-1

Ok, since more people have this potential issue, maybe we should tag u/thearcan so they can update the team.

I have also seen someone else in another thread saying they had the exact same thing as us, so there will probably be a simple explanation :)

Thanks for the tag - looks like the culprit was found by OP:

OKAAAY. So having the World Slayer expansion is the key. Welp, would I get these drops anytime in the future whenever I buy the expansion? I already claimed them on Twitch so.. Thanks for the tip btw

There should be an ingame Lobby pop-up that mentions that Worldslayer is required.

I mentioned it in the mega-thread, but I've noticed that it's not called out explicitly on the on the Twitch or Square Enix Members info pages.

over 2 years ago - FatsharkJulia - Direct link

There are some issues with Twitch Drops at current. I’ve added this to our database.

Please also include the URL to your Steam profile! :slight_smile:

8 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
8 months ago - Cry_AleaS - Direct link

August is just around the corner, so as we prepare to enter the new era, let's celebrate all the exciting things to come with some Twitch Drops!

From July 12th to July 19th, earn amazing rewards by watching your favorite Hunt streamers.