@Bajinda_WF Maybe :) I mean you did ask nicely
Excited to work with this guy!
Hi all! Thrilled to say I’ve joined the mighty talented peeps at Studio Wildcard in a creative exec leadership role. I’ll be directing one of my all-time favorite franchises - ARK! Massive alien worlds, hundreds of dinos, and the legendary badass @VinDiesel ❤️ @SurviveTheArk https://t.co/pk96N90jTe
@AndrewL93867329 Not my job anymore 😜
Crunch soon ™️
This aged well.
So turns out my smoke detector is at EOL - meaning it beeps 5 times every one minute. It's hard-wired so removing the battery does nothing.
18+ hours, no sleep, and waiting on a work order.
Send #PositiveVibes, please 🥲
So now that I've fixed my smoke detector, can anyone send a 12hr video that has the low battery sound chirp? I miss it 😥. Enjoy the rest of your Monday peeps! ✌🏿 There will likely be a few minor patches (meat conversion, stability) before we go into the weekend.
@ARKLove9: イベントお疲れ様でした(*‘ω‘ *)
Thank you for lovely event 🐣
#ARK #playARK #arkart
My math might be off but it's def. ending at 2PM PDT. Coffee needed.
Eggcellent Adventure is panned to end at 2PM PDT (~4 hours).
@SyntacYT They really were.
@GGFizz41 Uhhhhh.. That hasn't been my ARK experience. I'll leave that to the pros!
An energy that's constantly flowing, constantly innovating, constantly adapting, constantly growing, and pivoting.
That has been my ARK experience. Wouldn't trade it for anything ❤️
Working on game dev outside of a live environment is fun but there's nothing more exciting, to me, than seeing all that hard work get to the players.
There can be times when that work takes years to be seen. So as you can imagine, it creates a different energy.
It just makes me excited to start it all over again with all the learned lessons.
These old-school ARK content drops kind of get me in my feels lol.
I remember the energy in the studio leading up to a Creature Spotlight video. The artists, programmers, and animators were all in synchrony.
We'd release the video and start it all over. Such a cool sprint!
@SyntacYT Go to sleep
@playark_wiki @survivetheark The new place looks nice! Thanks for having us! 💪🏿
@emmzy_binky_boo 😉
@Dododex @survivetheark Glad to see your feedback