ARK Survival Evolved

ARK Survival Evolved Dev Tracker

21 Feb

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct


At 8:00 AM PT (11:00 AM ET) on February 25th we will be taking down some of our servers for maintenance. We expect maintenance to conclude by 11:00 AM PT (2:00 PM ET), though some servers may return before the end of the maintenance window. Time will not progress on any of the affected servers whilst ongoing maintenance. Maintenance List:

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct


At 6:00 AM PT (9:00 AM ET) on February 27th we will be taking down some of our servers for maintenance. We expect maintenance to conclude by 7:00 PM PT (10 PM ET), though some servers may return before the end of the maintenance window. Time will not progress on any of the affected servers whilst ongoing maintenance. Maintenance List:

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct


At 7:00 AM PT (10:00 AM ET) on February 26th we will be taking down some of our servers for maintenance. We expect maintenance to conclude by 7:00 PM PT (10 PM ET), though some servers may return before the end of the maintenance window. Time will not progress on any of the affected servers whilst ongoing maintenance. Maintenance List:

28 Aug

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct


At 3:00 PM UTC (8:00 AM PT/11:00 AM ET) on August 29th we will be taking down some of our servers for maintenance. We expect maintenance to last for approximately 3 hours. Upon being restored the affected servers ("Maintenance List") will no longer show as Favorites so you will need to search the main server list and re-add your server. Additionally, some sessions ("Temporary Shutdown List") will be offline for a brief period (~20 minutes) but will return shortly after going offline. Time will not progress on any of the affected servers whilst ongoing maintenance. Maintenance List:

Temporary Shutdown List:

22 Aug

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct


At 3:00 PM UTC (8:00 AM PT/11:00 AM ET) on August 23rd we will be taking down some of our servers for maintenance. We expect maintenance to last for approximately 1-2 hours. During this time the servers will not be running therefore time will not progress. Upon being restored the affected servers will no longer show as Favorites so you will need to search the main server list and re-add your server.

29 Jun

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

At 3:30 PM UTC (8:30 AM PT/11:30 AM ET) on June 30th we will be taking down some of our servers for maintenance. We expect maintenance to last for approximately 1-2 hours. During this time the servers will not be running therefore time will not progress. Upon being restored the affected servers will no longer show as Favorites so you will need to search the main server list and re-add your server.




01 Sep

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct


Update at 10:30PM UTC: The servers are still going through maintenance and we expect this to last an additional 2-3 hours. We appreciate your patience and will keep updating this thread with information as it arises.


At 2:45 PM UTC (7:45 AM PT/10:45 AM ET) on September 3rd we will be taking down some of our North America servers for maintenance to provide network improvements. We expect maintenance to last for approximately 6.5 hours. During this time the servers will be unreachable. Below is a list of all affected servers by platform.




25 Jan

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct


At 7:30 AM UTC (11:30 PM PT) on January 26th and 27th we will be taking down some of our North America servers for maintenance to provide network improvements. We expect maintenance to last for approximately 8 hours. During this time the servers will be unreachable. Below is a list of all affected servers by date.

January 26th

January 27th

17 Nov

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

ARK Nucleus is less about adding new content to ARK and more about making the content from your favorite mods more user friendly.
You'll find features for mods such as searchable registries of creatures and items, additional localization tools, and custom server UI support to add that extra splash of personality for your personal server.

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

ARK Genomes brings forth a significant overhaul. Complete with challenges, a new tiered improvement system for creatures, and it's own story flow. Take on difficult challenges to fight off the corruption of element, gain new rewards and raise your tames through multiple stages of genetic evolution!

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Alemia is a map project that reworks many aspects of the game to take the player on a challenging survival adventure without any trace of technology. You'll find new structures and mechanics for crafting, exploration, taming and harvesting. And if that's not enough for you, there are many dungeons hiding underground... Alemia awaits.

01 Sep

    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

These are posted in the old PC Bugs section which is now archived. Our QA team can still see those older posts, but they are not available to users.

30 Jul

    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Early Bird member group didn't have voting enabled. We put this in place to stop people making multiple 'quick accounts' to manipulate the voting.

10 Jul

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Arkitect is a highly configurable utility mod, meant to streamline and augment the experience of building bases, crafting items, and spawning items. The main feature is a pop-up item menu similar to other survival games. Buffs are available that offer things such as infinite food and water, flight with adjustable flight speed, and infinite weight. The mod also includes a universal crafting table that won't break when a large number of mods is installed. An "Admin Vault" is provided, filled with an endless amount of resources, or any other types of items you desire. Many more improvements and f

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Cosplay Evolved lets you get even more creative with your characters. Beyond being able to adjust character proportions to even more significant degrees and further colors and complexions, currently the mod host 158 "Parts" that can be used to make your character fantastically unique. Wings, claws, fins, entirely new heads, multiple heads... this mod lets you get creative with coordinated positioning, rotation, scale, and colors of all of the parts. Some parts even act as functional components, such as claws that let you climb walls, wings that let you fly or eyes that give you a predator vision.
All of the customizations of this mod are also saved uniquely for your character, separate from any equipment, and there are even more parts are in development!

21 Jun

    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

We did a large backend upgrade, you should be good now.

17 Jun

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Status of the DevKit and Genesis Part 2:

The DevKit has not been updated with Genesis 2 content yet, and I do not have an ETA on when that will be ready.
Many mod authors may not be able to resolve some issues until the DevKit is updated with the new content. Please do not harass or get upset with the mod authors over a mod not working right now, there may not be anything they can do about it. Mod authors do not work for Wildcard.
After a major DLC release, DevKit releases take extra time to put together. There are usually large changes that have to be accounted for in the build process for the kit, extra testing that needs to be done, extra reviews of the code, and generally the DevKit has to take in some fixes of its own before it's ready to go out.
It takes some time.
If one of your favorite mods is having severe issues that block you from being able to play, considering backing up your saves and then playing without mods for the tim...

Read more

01 Jun

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

No Untameables takes many of the creatures in ARK that were previously untamable and goes beyond simply making them tamable. The mod offers new AI, new mechanics and abilities, and new utility for many of these creatures.

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Mods that expand the array of wildlife are always a joy to see. Prehistoric beasts adds a pretty significant set of new creatures in their own unique visual styles for players to enjoy, if you have been wanting to see some new faces around the island, you should give this mod a look!