@SerafinaS8 @survivetheark I'll see what I can find out. Personally, Twitter is much more effective for my communication but I assure you the forums do serve a purpose. I think there are a lot of forms of communication these days and we tend to utilize Twitter and Discord more.
@SerafinaS8 @survivetheark That happens, it just isn't visible to you. Most of the bug reports and balance changes come from employees going through the forums. An example of a post you would want to see featured? I doubt the company would want to highlight a popular post that detracts from the game.
@TonyBeazley @Dododex Next time!
@Dododex Did I beat the machine!?
@SerafinaS8 @survivetheark I'll be honest. I need to do a better job at this personally. Employees do read the forums but they very rarely get involved in discussions that happen.
@TheEllisha @survivetheark Most likely next week
@survivetheark 👀
An ARK: EVO Event is active on all platforms from now through October 11th, with the following EVO perks: - 2X Breeding and Imprinting - 2X Taming - 2X Harvesting - 2X XP
Beginner servers have been wiped clean on all platforms! The next wipe will happen on Dec 10th.
Beginner servers are wiped periodically to help provide a fresh beginner experience for new players. Join by searching "Beginner" in the server browser! #playARK
@KhuniUwu: Hii, i have been working in this logo <3 is for TITAN map from ark.. that my friend @codigoalex_ made it, tyy for choosing me…
A meteor has made impact on ARKpocalypse servers. They have been wiped clean and are ready for a new 30-day experience.
ARKpocalypse are monthly-wipe servers with higher than usual rates! Join by searching for "ARKpocalypse" on the session list! #playARK
@Sender26067783 @Low_Motives @hawksfan12th Helpful, I will pass this along.
@Sender26067783 @Low_Motives @hawksfan12th I respect it
@JoshuaTedder3: Starting to work on a proto dossier for the Titanoceratops, I’m currently using the unfinished painting to help fill in…
@codigoalex_ @Nekatus Love this. and thanks @Nekatus. When I was modding back in the day it was less collaboration. This is inspiring to see.
@jdws07 I don't think they are using Prim+ as the inspiration if that makes sense. But I do believe the spirit of Prim+ will be in it.
@jdws07 Ha, we'd be in a world of trouble if they used my code-base! But to your point, in some ways, they may end up being somewhat similar because of the primitive focus.
Don't read that as ARK2 is Prim+ though!
@SnapItsAndrea I need to confirm, but that is the plan! I'll give a heads up if that isn't the case.
@scuzzyuk I don't care for Friday patches either, I hear ya!
@J4Y1122 That wasn't a very nice bird