@BrookeB91602194 @JPShipston Maybe your server but what about the entire network? I don't know if anyone thought that having that extreme cap could cause all the servers to go down. The cap is there for a reason. The team will add more servers if need-be.
@Alunwithau82 If you put in a ticket, that's the most you can do besides waiting. Servers and networking aren't my areas unfortunately.
@lie52934206 @NexxuzHD Agree
@emmieratlady 🤣😂 I'm sorry
@danielavasco4 @Sans_lyoko 😘 much appreciated
@Provoke_chaos @NotDollie I think so 😅
@Angel21884210 @codigoalex_ @NexxuzHD So good!
Even reading your comments, I'm sorry. I'm cracking up.
@FM_17_8 @tararooneybell Ya, the team is on it!
@Aurynrising @survivetheark Hang in there 😭
@codigoalex_ @NexxuzHD I am still laughing.
@tararooneybell 🤣 omg I wish I could have heard.
How many people were stuck here?
I'm sorry but this was one of the more funny bugs to me. Seeing people on stream 🤣😂
@DododexApp 👀
Lets go!!!!!
An ARK: EVOLUTION EVENT is active from now through June 8th, with: - 2X Breeding (mating interval, egg hatch speed, imprint, and maturation) - 2X Taming - 2X Harvesting - 2X XP https://t.co/7EVtNRuFr7
An ARK: EVOLUTION EVENT is active from now through June 8th, with:
- 2X Breeding (mating interval, egg hatch speed, imprint, and maturation) - 2X Taming - 2X Harvesting - 2X XP
@Nekatus They're gonna have to pay me! Oh, wait....
@Nekatus They stole all my ideas! Bees/Honey, Canoe, what's next!?!?
@Gingarellaaa I'll see if I can give them a friendly nudge though.
@Gingarellaaa I don't. Completely separate area. I usually have no idea what's going on in the server area or what's up/down.