@xstephxaniex1 @NexxuzHD Ah yes, so we will hang out tomorrow night 😁😎🥰
@xstephxaniex1 @NexxuzHD What time is it now for you?
@dierfx1 el mejor equipo?
@Lapha111 verdadero
@KorySasu @xstephxaniex1 @NexxuzHD Tomorrow. No midnight chance. That, I can rule out.
@scuzzyuk 😟
@xstephxaniex1 @NexxuzHD It's a big big world - morning afternoon and night
todos ellos 😘
I hope to have more info soon! It will likely be afternoon in Pacific Time.
@scuzzyuk If Dollie says we're on track then that means at the moment we're on track right? Meaning no delay. Not sure what else you are looking for me to say. You don't need me to answer that, the info is out there.
@xstephxaniex1 @MadParadoxx @NexxuzHD No podré dormir
@RobinHoodPvP @NotDollie Not untrue
@Whtiscookingnow 🤣
@NotDollie: In regards to launch timeframe:
We're on track but we'd like to confirm a few things with the build before we broadcast a…
@NotDollie So why is everyone freaking out Dollie?
Why is everyone freaking out except me? 🤣 If there were serious trouble ahead, I'd be freaking out too. If I start freaking out, I promise to let you know.
@shedevil06451 @ninjaman607 Why is everyone freaking out and I'm not?
@ninjaman607 Don't panic friend
@ninjaman607 Why would that tweet freak you out more. You should be freaked out of I went quiet.
In regards to launch timeframe:
We're on track but we'd like to confirm a few things with the build before we broadcast a precise time. We'll let Ced (our CM) know when we're ready to socialise deployment times and he'll share that with y'all
Hang in there! Almost go time💫
I should just stop tweeting lol