@harleygrant20 @the_blue_cat I get the frustration, I do. But it's also frustrating when players think you aren't trying to fix them or improve the situations.
@LunaEclipseWolf You're fine now
@the_blue_cat I get it, I said my peace. I understand, I'm just telling you it won't always be possible to give more than 15min even if we do improve some of the situations in which we do improve that time.
@the_blue_cat And I'm not trying to be argumentative. Our major patches follow a pretty standard release (1PM for PC, 8PM for Consoles). This was an unfortunate surprise patch. All other patches are usually addressing an exploit or game-breaking bug.
@the_blue_cat That's fair and why I said "I know people want more advanced notice than that. Sometimes it's possible, sometimes it isn't." I'll do what I can on my end to make sure this is expressed.
@SzymonMalinow16 @pablo12Javi If it's not reported there, it's likely that it hasn't reached the level of our server damins
@the_blue_cat And yet this update was communicated 15min prior to going out? isn't that what we were talking about, communication?
@RvrStyxRasputin @scuzzyuk As far as I know, this has only happened once prior to this on a widespread scale. Isolated issues have to have individual troubleshooting, unfortunately. If it isn't happening to everyone 100% of the time, it's something that takes diagnosing.
@SzymonMalinow16 @pablo12Javi
@scuzzyuk Much love
@the_blue_cat And no we're not going to broadcast an exploit fix widely before deploying it.
@the_blue_cat Not every patch is on a release schedule, we have things like exploits that get patched immediately often.
@scuzzyuk I'm confident we can take what we learned and are learning with ARK 1 and build it into ARK 2
@Hanna_Otter Of course :) I'm hoping to get back to more of that. The entire team is still remote so a little challenging. Also, most people are tied up with Gen2.
But keep your hope, I do see us doing some of this in the 'near' future.
@scuzzyuk I think we both want the same things. I'm def. familiar with your opinions and I know you aren't trying to be harsh. you're trying to be critical and I respect that.
@the_blue_cat Typically warnings are sent out 15 min prior to. I know people want more advanced notice than that. Sometimes it's possible, sometimes it isn't.
@scuzzyuk Well, one might argue some issues could only be fixed by rebuilding the structure. Not saying that is the case here. Rebuilding the structure of a live game isn't possible while that game is live.
@scuzzyuk That's quite different than what happened yesterday but I do see your point. Things are lost during gameplay, but to wake up and see everything gone (outside of PVP gameplay) is not common.
@scuzzyuk Help me recall, how many times have ARK players lost EVERYTHING? Not trying to be argumentative but just pointing out this isn't a common scenario, and one we don't expect to repeat.
@the_blue_cat This is official comms
The latest XBOX client patch, 813.3, resolves issues affecting local player save files.