@KOmgtv f*ckin oath m8
@BigCannon71 I'm down for anti-tyranny. I just short circuit when it comes to something like a pandemic and the awful death count over there. I don't understand how politics/gov etc doesn't take a back seat and...everyone comes together on this one thing to mitigate it. maybe I'm naive
thank you for the responses, appreciate it. You've given me stuff to chew on and some avenues to research.
Stay safe over there, I feel for all of you, no matter political persuasion or otherwise; you've all been through a lot.
@THE3ADASS That's a different point and worth considering, thank you
@AllenOLantern US healthcare system saddens me. In the US, cut my knee, got infection and went to hospital on the weekend for a simple antibiotic prescription. $360 plus cost of the meds. Here it would be free plus a few dollars for the prescription :( I know that's a minor thing but damnnnn
@Willistor @Roary11477177 yep gen Z (and the upcoming Gen Alpha) are pretty woke
@DR4G0N_47 I was shocked by the religious billboards I saw on highways in the mid-west the first time I went to the US. I did some research and compared US/AU census data and a lightbulb switched on when I saw the disparity in how many US citizens identified as highly religious vs AU
@RustyShacklfrd3 That's interesting, thank you
@capt_n_morgan99 I understand but its very rare here and feels less...loaded with other undercurrents?
@NeoVanilluxe Oh no 😔
@JakeMoriarty13 I think, and this is a huge generalisation, in aust we are encouraged to look out for our commumity. In my time in the US, especially in large cities, I observed more of a individualistic culture.
@johnspartan777 How do you feel about sense of community and looking out for those who are at higher risk? As I understand it, a mask protects others more than the wearer.
@DR4G0N_47 I wasn't aware of religious undertones. That's alarming
Genuinely asking for Americans perspective, not a loaded question. The psychology behind it confounds me a lil
Can Americans help me understand anti-maskers? Is it psychological reactance? Perception their behavioural freedom is under threat? There seems to also be political undertones we dont have in Aust that I don't quite understand. Do "good Republicans" feel they need to push back?
@tha_rami Oh sh*t LEGO BOUQUET!
@tha_rami Pretty
@zzzzzunit Spot on
@TheEarrion I hope so!