@Ares33909104: I finished NeoVanilluxe's Kibby. Did use some more simple coloring on him cause I think it fits him better. Give some lov…
@ZenRowe: In just a little over 8 hours, applications will be closing for the next selections in the ARK Sponsored Mod Program.
@NeoVanilluxe: Crystal Wyvern Queen 💖🐉 #arkart #ark #playark #ARKSurvivalEvolved @survivetheark
@SaigeGames @survivetheark 📸
@jeremystieglitz: Something fun Ive been coding for Gen2: aRkTS commander mode! Fond memories of S2s Savage compelled it. Also finishing…
@jwaaaap Some of our level designers leave penises lying around 😑
@alexmavsfan Bet
@BeannyYT @survivetheark Keep it up! 💪
@TheEllisha Deal
Something fun Ive been coding for Gen2: aRkTS commander mode! Fond memories of S2s Savage compelled it. Also finishing support of PlayAsDino function for directly playing creatures w/o human character-we Titanomyrma deathmatched! & tease of @LexOtis' beautiful work on TV series😁 https://t.co/mPUb7hlVVW
@JesusCconcept Not me right!?
@Chiko_Kokko @N_Life93
@StinaMcCall Submit a ticket with your questions and the enforcement team will help you out.
@WhoseBacon Easter egg 💪
@drvrbear You don't have to convince me Prim+ has a strong community. That's without question.
@N_Life93 MAKE IT
If you're not a content creator, don't worry. There's a special place for everyone that loves ARK and shares their experiences. Most people I interact with, I refer to them by their Twitter name in company chats lol
The people make the community, not the content.
@N_Life93 I will try ♥