@CHipZz_Gaming @survivetheark @UwereAmonkey very easy-to-follow tutorial. keep it up!
@Starflowers10 ♥️
@WrathMister Much love
@MrsPixieDust Hang in there or I will have to fly out and personally deliver some to you.
@KatherineOsbur8 grats!
@ArkAddictExtrem what soda?
@MorbidsDisaster you too buddy
@FitzCollector night night
For people that woke up on the wrong side of the bed today: Don't worry, the day gets better ♥
Happy Friday y'all. Crunch (Eggcellent Adventure) details later today!
@Roary11477177 5/6 PST :)
@sis_6193: Ark×apex
頂いたお題です(^O^) プラットフォームからシーラをぶっ放すランパート
@CudaCores: I'll be taking offline in a few minutes for some short maintenance.
@ComplexMinded: Hot off the presses (an update from the LiveOps team)
@Lars14641140 @ACasalenuovo Release the dino from the cryo then upload/download
Hot off the presses (an update from the LiveOps team)
Heads up: A new command-line for unofficial PC (Steam/EGS) hosts:
@_Jukari101_: From the Symphony Orchestra of Budapest Scoring, to the Choir of Four For Music.
Presenting the main theme of ARK: The Lo…
@_Jukari101_ @DeVsoMusic @survivetheark @jeremystieglitz @arkjesse @ComplexMinded @Jatheish @Venalis21 @kiryucoco @podcreature @ShePlaysIt @KeenAspect @ZenRowe @garethcoker 👏