did we go too far or just right the amount
@ARKLove9 🎄🎁
Patch notes are updated and Winter Wonderland is going live for PC!
XBOX and PS4 are up next at 8 (~4.5 hours)
@willdecidesoon Very fair.
@willdecidesoon I'm going to be honest, it's last-minute in development sometimes too. But your frustration is warranted. Some of these bug fixes came in late last night.
Heads up I apologize for the time in the crunch. I used that time before I checked with live-ops. There are a few bug fixes that need to be included in today's patches.
My mistake peeps.
@HologramDream Weird, I have a cookie-eating addiction
@ComplexMinded: Wondering about Winter Wonderland ❄?
The event kicks off at 3PM PST for PC and 8PM PST for XBOX, PS4.
"But what about…
Wondering about Winter Wonderland ❄?
"But what about the rates"? They are live now!
🎄 #PositiveVibes
Maintenance is now complete.
@williangillies @survivetheark @vindiesel muito amor
Reminder: Official Server PC maintenance begins in an hour. Find out more here:
@OrihimeJasmine EST
@Persianwarriorx Yep
@kawasemikan_ ♥️🥰
@LiverpoolFCJ4H @CHipZz_Gaming @survivetheark @UwereAmonkey Tag me if you see any
@LiverpoolFCJ4H @CHipZz_Gaming @survivetheark @UwereAmonkey I'll RT cool PvP builds too. 🙂
@CHipZz_Gaming: Newest build is up. This is an easy little pen for keeping your Featherlights! Check it out here -
@slimberland Pretty much. I can upgrade later if I need to. The MB supports it.