@ladyteruki It gets me right in the feels too
@DeesTheBeesTV Dates are hard bro. They are also fixed. Copy and paste can get you into trouble.
On a scale from 1-10 how SUPER do you really want these turkeys? lol
A small token to the community who has shared so much time with us. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and don't forget to... . . . be thankful
Community Crunch 247: 🦃Turkey Trial, XBOX Free Weekend, and More! https://t.co/lkvSmgwHYC https://t.co/hf4CuMY0Hb
@stanton_hampton @survivetheark .....
Community Crunch 247: 🦃Turkey Trial, XBOX Free Weekend, and More!
@Daweedking1 😎
@liquidblue602 I feel this
@MADD_CZAR I feel you
@Skittlis lol
@Drebin1110 @thelilpanda yes
Patience, transfers and EVO will start soon ™. @thelilpanda is finishing up some server maintenance. Then, he'll send server notice. Then, after servers reboot the EVO event rates will be set. Then, enjoy!
Thanks for this Discord. 😂
Sum up your job using a gif. https://t.co/jkpmm4UtJd https://t.co/LrekOcFMa8
@thelilpanda What a great era on the internet. Definitely got me through High School.
Sum up your job using a gif.
Sum up your job using a gif. https://t.co/YGqdA0VywR https://t.co/VN5cyjusZ0
@megancomposer: I love being a woman in the game industry, it rules
@Morianthamur @GamerPerfection @ComplexMinded @Jatheish @survivetheark
@GamerPerfection @ComplexMinded @Jatheish @survivetheark The change didn't go in as intended. We're going to tweak it.