@elweasel2010 Knowing what people want is different from always doing what they want. There are many reasons why things can't always be done. Not all of them will be understood or agreed with - even by me.
@lewis_may333 @lookjoey1 It is definitely being discussed/looked into.
@lewis_may333 @lookjoey1 What's the address? Jokes aside issues with breeding, specifically when we have multipliers have been discussed. I'll keep it on the radar.
@HologramDream Same we'll have to set something up once the cooties are gone!
@HologramDream It's saddening honestly. Sickening is a better word. And that means a lot because we have hung out and I think you would have seen creepy vibes there. Much love!
@HologramDream My life.
@HologramDream 101
@adam_brown84 It can/will be. Doesn't mean it will happen though
@SyntacYT I returned to say this stuff is legit amazing. Great recommendation.
@SLIME_CASTLE Eat your vegetables before dessert!
@lookjoey1 Always working on it. But the methods people use are always advancing too. Cat and mouse.
@CropCreamin Who said you have to learn how to be a man from your dad. Seems like you are fishing for controversial statements. Enjoy your day.
@Lilrobo16 It's in the queue of things to be addressed.
@CropCreamin Na, it's Fathers day. It's a good time to think about being a man.
The heart of the ARK community is the passion we all have for the game. You have it, I have it, the founders have it.
You may question the execution and procedure, but trust but we're all here because of the passion.
Let's keep it rolling in 2020 and..... beyond 😎
@ComplexMinded You sir are the heart of the ark community. That heart came from the person who taught you how to be a man. Even though they may not be with us in flesh. They will always be that ark data in our hearts. Much Love, Kyle
@AlexJoh24482783 @LouisGaschet This is also a personal twitter. I know I tweet ARK stuff but I tweet other stuff too. ARK doesn't own my Twitter account, they own @survivetheark
@Flopperding @michealewk96 😂maybe 80 going at the rate we're at now!.. Congrats and good luck! Let me know how it goes!
@CropCreamin You could. Being a good man, in my opinion, is teaching your sons how to treat women. Something that seems forgotten when learning how to "be a man". So Fathers Day is a perfect opportunity for "being a man".
@CropCreamin But it does.