@chickenfish4me People don't want to hear this lol. The fact is games are art. You don't really tell an artist to change the painting. If you like it, you buy it. If you don't, you keep it moving.
But games are a business as well. It's a fine line.
@MacPie6969 @cheriemills1213 "How can we avoid getting your hopes up?" "Stop delaying updates" OK.
@GGBlackthorn @OreoJoee I do too, I just don't personally agree. It's all good.
@TristinDermid We're looking.
@GGBlackthorn @OreoJoee And I'm also not saying I'm right. It's just my view on it. But byes, I fully understand where players are coming from.
@GGBlackthorn @OreoJoee I do too but I'm also putting myself in the shoes of someone who has played the game. An event is not guaranteed for any game. To think that I would deserve one is just not something I personally agree with.
@GGBlackthorn @OreoJoee I agree. I love the game and what they are doing. But let's not pretend like every game in the world has anniversary events. It's just not true
@GGBlackthorn @OreoJoee And this is labeled as an anniversary event? I play this game and was playing at this time.
The point is not every game has anniversary events. I can promise you that. Maybe most popular ones do but that's beside the point I was making.
@ComplexMinded I know you’re done for the day just wanted to let you know building on prim plus is fixed so thank you for that.
@DLish68613305 We're on it :(
@GGBlackthorn @OreoJoee No Mans Sky
@SupaflyToon Console gamers got an update and a dino :) New map in September.
@LuisFel45900598 The team is looking into it.
@Fatdhoush @Ghostbustar Yes but 5x adds on top of what already exists.
@MrE42935904 There are many fine lines to walk where I'm at. I will always be in a tug-o-war with the business and the community. I'm trying man :)
@EvrytngElszTakn Thanks for this <3
@Ghostbustar And people wanted 5x breeding.
@GamerPerfection Thanks GP