@JordanLaws0n I'm saying it's just an idea. Not a fact.
@JordanLaws0n With all due respe4ct, what makes you more qualified to say how we should run the business. Having hours in the game? Having good game ideas doesn't make you qualified to say how a business should run. Especially a successful one. I'm not saying your ideas are bad.
@JordanLaws0n As predicted
@JordanLaws0n I'm not going to get into the conversation about how we should be doing our jobs. Because that's where this is heading. This is how many times we've had this convo. Don't take 'look' as literal. Meshing was being 'looked' at too.
@JordanLaws0n This isn't one of those topics that I have to continually bring up, it's that serious. This isn't something that's being forgotten
@JordanLaws0n It's a concern and it's being looked at. That's all I can give you.
@JordanLaws0n You tend to ask me the same questions and here I am again, answering them the same way I always do. Me: "Yes, they are an issue, there are plans". You: "Why not just remove them". Me "We try to find other ways". You: "But you know how serious this is. You guys are clueless"
@JordanLaws0n That's a loaded question lol. That would be assuming that your version of "broken" is the universally accepted version. Do they know it's an issue? Yes.
@djbeard8908 @lee88manvell @BDDondi @Flopperding @Renobandstit That's fair!
@djbeard8908 @lee88manvell @BDDondi @Flopperding @Renobandstit Communicating times on fixes is complicated. Because it requires knowing what the issue is and then figuring out how to fix it - two big variables. And then the final variable is testing. I can't give you that time.
@djbeard8908 @lee88manvell @BDDondi @Flopperding @Renobandstit But either way, not trying to be argumentative. Just trying to provide context.
@djbeard8908 @lee88manvell @BDDondi @Flopperding @Renobandstit But I respond to criticism all the time (like now). This one tweet happened to be yours. I think it's unfair to insist that I didn't see 100 tweets between your "good" and "bad" tweet. I can't respond to all criticism just like I dont "like" every tweet.
@djbeard8908 @lee88manvell @BDDondi @Flopperding @Renobandstit Yes, you have a problem and an expectation that your tweets have to be answered. I'm saying that, is unrealistic in my opinion regardless of what tweets I like. I think that's just where we disagree :)
@djbeard8908 I'll check on this, thanks!
@djbeard8908 @lee88manvell @BDDondi @Flopperding @Renobandstit I think the expectation to get a guaranteed response on Twitter with a game that has over 100k players across platforms trying to interact with them is a little unrealistic. That's just me though. Not trying to be rude. With that said - I'll look up your tweets.
@Skittlis Back to the basement @Skittlis
@M0nztr You know the crazy part.. there's no way to answer this tweet without someone speculating something. I guess we'll just have to see, right :)
@M0nztr It's a fair question. The best way to describe it is Jenga. Some of the complications are from an earlier engine. Some of them are from the limited scope ARK was planned on (codebase). Nobody expected the game to be this large. And because of that, there are growing pains.
@Tamaki41383473 Help me @KeenAspect
@stirrat_luke 🤞