There's currently a patch planned for tomorrow to resolve the invisible corrupted dinos for XBOX. It still needs to go through cert though. I'll keep you updated.
@Wxngyy1 @zzzzzunit We played on Official with the launch of Aberration. And got wrecked
@zzzzzunit @SeggzyGaming?
@zzzzzunit Who's trying to tribe up?
@zzzzzunit I legit might be down for this
@Wardemon I don't. And as much as you want Genesis, we want you to have a good experience with it. These next two DLC are pretty significant to the team and Jesse and Jeremy. I don't know if people realize how much they love ARK. It's their baby!
@RRapture19 I think you have more in you :)
@Polish_Ninja I'll ask about this. I remember there being something mentioned about memory concerns (keeping those items in-game increases memory overhead which in turn slows things down)
@Wardemon Worried that it won't come out?
@Zeshen Is this Prim+? I need more details. Official server? When did it start happening? What patch #?
@Polish_Ninja I didn't know about this one.
@adam_brown84 @rar9040 Why is that important? Because replication causes a lot of problems lol
@adam_brown84 @rar9040 I could but that's not the point. Comparing other games to ARK is pointless in technical terms - which is what we're talking about. ARK has a lot going on under the hood. The amount of actors we replicate are MUCH more than any standard game (just a simple one)
@adam_brown84 @rar9040 Yes, my point was that as it was a new launch, it had issues that were unforeseen. It happens in game development.
@AeonicWeapon No ETA at the moment.
@adam_brown84 @rar9040 And that PC launch? (I love the game btw)
@unwont1 They are being considered. It's why we look for servers that are empty to repurposed. Spinning up new servers and clusters is quite expensive.
@AlmightyGamerYT I believe this was a mesh method but I'll need to get clarity.
@unwont1 It will always be a discussion, Twitter will make sure of that.
@_xXIronicXx_ There will be more fixes :)