PC transfers are locked temporarily while we investigate the login lock issue.
@yDoIPlayArk Programming is easy?
Looking into issues with login lock.
Deployment thread: Looking into reports of issues with cryopods.
@Kaoticforce What platform are you on? What's the issue specifically?
@1991_drew What platform are you on?
@LDZombieKilla Check @survivetheark
@AlmightyGamerYT All maps.
@Xander2357 I'm asking the same question.
@KeenAspect: Happy Holidays from the @survivetheark team! We'd like for a lucky winner to share in these wonderful vibes by giving away…
That holiday swag...
@bobo123abc1 @survivetheark Looking into it
@GamerPerfection @runswithpencil YES!
@PR0FE5S0R__X For everyone that can level up their chibi's
@SeggzyGaming Top 3 for me!
In approximately 10 minutes we begin redeployment of the Offical Network for Winter Wonderland 4.
@Flopperding @fillupurcup It's all we could manage given the time we had to pull it off.
@TygressD @Danloadz @survivetheark Thank you <3
@KeanuBeefs @jadd54493654 @survivetheark :)
Winter Wonderland 4 starts today at 10AM PST! How many chibi's are there? Can you collect them all?