@BrentBa09368613 What platform?
@MagicYano @GameCha13137073 @Yopranksta761 The site was updated before Discord, and usually is.
@Yopranksta761 Patch notes are updated when patches go live:
@pmasher @damascus111 ayyyyye. Gratz!
@tilouARK @DBlast77 @Nitrado_EN The legend himself
@DBlast77 @Nitrado_EN I think it was @tilouARK maybe?
@falco_luna: 「ただ主(あるじ)のもとへ」 #ARK #ARKSurvivalEvolved #ARKart #フィヨルドホーク #fjordur #イラスト
@BoMarit89 @Guerrilla Congrats Bo, well deserved 💫
@NotSoLittleC o..oh no
@Nekatus @survivetheark Nekatus after making this statement:
These appear to be good again!
Heads up: The team is looking into an issue that may be affecting your ability to transfer. More to come!
@mel7play Won't be this weekend. If anything, it would start on Monday.
Servers should be coming back up!
@ScutalTheLizard Your work is amazing my friend
Heads up: XBOX network will be going down temporarily to perform some maintenance. It should only be around 20m of downtime.
@sarrisrainbows @Letnup @Nekatus @litlwhitetiger @gportalde @survivetheark @Chaoticgaming21 This is like me the first time they asked me to demo the Bloodstalker
@k3zk_627 Amazing!
@k3zk_627: アルゲンとサバイバーのトリミング
#ARKSurvivalEvolved #playARK #ARKart #Fjordur #イラスト #3ヶ月上達法