@MattAltieri @Markbrandel Most of my job was "keeping @Markbrandel at bay" and I think I was pretty successful at that.
@MattAltieri @Markbrandel BIG MISTAKE
@Old_Fat_Gamer @CompIexMinded @Carolanne_M @Jade_Playsgames @Aniket_Pandey1 @AngelicVix3n Dont fall for the fake @Old_Fat_Gamer
@Markbrandel @MattAltieri Oh God, you're wiser now. I wouldn't be able to survive there now.
@ladyteruki @CompIexMinded I'm not sure Twitter cares at the moment. The show must go on, right? ;)
@Jade_Playsgames @Aniket_Pandey1 @AngelicVix3n I like it :). Will totally raise gigas for someone.
@Markbrandel @MattAltieri You guys are dipping your hands into an eternal fire jumping into my feeds.
@MattAltieri I don't think I'm important enough yet.
@shawn_keefer When you're the primary one communicating, wouldn't you be in front of the bus? The things you suggested I have 0% power to decide. It's my job to communicate that want to the people with the power.
@HODGAMING1 It's gonna take more than this kill my vibe :) Much appreciated man.
@TheSquid474 I try to find the humor in it, but if it were you and you were just an employee of a company (without power) I'm not sure you would either.
@AlexDS59 I'm trying to :( But unfortunately I don't find impersonation funny. And that's rare for me because I find most things funny. If it were a parody account, it'd be different.
@Azarithkazehana @verified @TwitterSupport I guess we'll have to wait and see. And in the meantime, just make sure you check when you see a tweet.
Example 2: These screenshots are spreading through social channels
@Azarithkazehana @verified and @TwitterSupport would know.
@GAMINGwithJEE Not me
@Azarithkazehana There have been many people that have reported it. At this point you have to play the cards you have in your hand and make the best of a bad situation.
@AlexDS59 This is all he has to do. I have a lot more on my plate than he does. I'll try to look through the history and give you a proper answer.
@moraljos000 It's an impersonation. I've never been known to talk like that. And that goes outside of this being a job. I don't talk to people that way in my personal life.
This is where it gets dangerous folks - screenshots. Please please please, double-check every tweet you see from "me". This is an impersonation account, not a parody one.