@lGraveGamingl fresh fjor maps?
Yall thought I was kidding?
Adobe-themed structures #WIP (made from clay) Should I spend time on these?? #PrimitivePlus https://t.co/TeDVysD559
@shdwkratos @Nekatus /s = being sarcastic. so no it isn't. but maybe it is 😉
@Nekatus ❤️❤️ Some people are saying ARK 2 is just an advanced Prim+ /s
@pve_parks @MollyRainettem @survivetheark @ComplexMinded PSA: You're playing a game with LGBTQ+ characters in the lore
🦖If you missed it, here's the TwitchTV segment on the new and improved Nintendo Switch version of the game!
🦕You can also check out the footage directly via the link (for your content creator needs)
It was a prototype OK. I was going to make them better. But then WC "stole" the idea!
@edmundium Searching for answers that I can give!
It doesn't look great but still!!!!
ARK Facts: Cedric created the first Adobe Structure set for ARK in Prim+
Hope you enjoyed the Switch stream!
Tune into where @JordanKleeman and @ComplexMinded will give us the first look at gameplay of the revamped and remastered ARK: Ultimate Survivor Edition on Switch!
@Cederhill @JordanKleeman @jeremystieglitz @arkjesse Yes, we did.
@Cederhill @JordanKleeman @jeremystieglitz @arkjesse The first link goes to the main page and the second link goes to the PC patch notes. Is that not the case for you? Patch notes are managed on - I don't know that that's a huge inconvenience.
I'm joining @JordanKleeman on Twitch to give you the first look at gameplay on ARK: Ultimate Survivor Edition on Switch at 1:30PT.
Come hang out (in an hour and a half):
@Kittykatlapurr @Nekatus Cute gfx!
@ARKitects_Ark I probably have a DM dont I? 😅
@JakeMoriarty13 A lot of aspiring survivors are taking their first steps onto The Island. Exciting!
@OtterlyCrazy91 lol I love you for this random comment.