@CudaCores Amazing work Chris
@LoadedCrysis @survivetheark primer... prime the paint
@mutantky @Jade_Playsgames liiiikkkeeeee?
@Captainbuzzer Where's your hype mister? You need some of mine?
@Jade_Playsgames Yes
@Captainbuzzer JUST the map!?!?!
@Captainbuzzer STAY UP!!!!
I lied. I heard ARK fans like countdowns https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/launch?iso=20190617T15&p0=234&msg=ARK+Livestream&font=cursive&csz=1
@SirNoble16 Just doing my job!
@RockzillahTV @survivetheark Go for it!
Will I lose my hype!? Tune into the stream!! (OK I'm done)
@jgalster2 @survivetheark In time, in time... Gotta prime the paint.
@SirNoble16 You sure?
@sitharias @ThePilgrimz @survivetheark HYPE overload!
@maceodkat @PhilLeGoff1 PST
@xSaIIy @survivetheark Keep that in your pockets. For now at least ;)
@EntwinedPuppet Stay up man! Channel your HYPE!
@beasthayabusa There's a new creature 😃
@Destruct0Dan Correct