@Bajinda_WF Cool idea
@codigoalex_ Much love Alex
I know you are hungry for updates, the company knows you're hungry for updates.
I also don't want to discourage speculation and theorycraft. I just want to make sure everyone's expectations are tampered and aligned with reality.
We are all hype for the next evolution of ARK - even me. But I want to caution you from getting too hype on unconfirmed news.
It's fun to speculate, and it's very ARK-like to do, but it's not cool when that speculation turns into something people speak of as fact.
@TiiaAurora ❤️
@AaronLongstaff1 You wanna know what ARK 2 rumor I heard?
@codigoalex_ Is there a video that summarizes the stories from Arkadia 1? I missed so much!
@Nekatus @Patrick_M_Huang @Freeza33 @MAVEofficial
@Freeza33: Build the hype for Fjordur⚔️ Made by @MAVEofficial #ARKSurvivalEvolved #playARK @Nekatus @ComplexMinded
@CRossRoss @Freeza33 @MAVEofficial @Nekatus A friend introduced me to that. So good!
@Polish_Ninja @survivetheark Yes, it is 😅 Somehow everyone conveniently forgot to tell me the colors were still running when the rates stopped.
Also I'm not sure what's up with that tweet lol
@Freeza33 @MAVEofficial @Nekatus So good!
@survivetheark ☕
@CRossRoss @survivetheark How are you so fast!
Services have been restored to normal. We will continue to monitor for service disruptions.
@_Jukari101_ Happy Birthday!
We are aware of issues affecting the CrossARK system across all Official Servers on all platforms, affecting players' abilities to download, upload, or transfer. We're currently investigating these problems. Please stay tuned for further updates.
@cherthedev @TheKeyCompany @jelly_key Nice build!
@atwiiita 💜
@Yoshi_Targaryan @NexxuzHD un poco pero aprendiendo