@ROGERBURNETTE10 I dont think there's a way to do that currently.
@ChustzGrant You shouldn't lose your character by changing your psn ID. As far as getting tekgrams back, I can't say.. every scenario is different.
@Gorrilla_King2K It's one of the things we look at, but to your point - something we may need to look closer at.
@JohnnyDemonic13 There's no rules against this in the code of conduct
@HorrorStoRy_II Sounds like a perfect opportunity to grow and get better :)
@HorrorStoRy_II Im proud of my experience and the opportunities ARK has given me
@TimothyWolfe5 I've done a little bit of everything but most recently I've moved to the community lead role.
@rockbarberian @Xbox @survivetheark Haven't seen some good SOTF action in a while. I'll try and stop by!
@bluedragonark @survivetheark Several people in the office now have new wallpapers :)
@bluedragonark @survivetheark You just made my whole day!
@bluedragonark @survivetheark I need this as a wallpaper <3
#MyFirstGamesJob was 3 years ago, here at Studio Wildcard, even though I thought I'd be making games right out of college with a C.S. degree. I've worked on Primitive Plus, TLC Patches, and Extinction. I'm humbled by the experience and glad to be working with the community now!
@Arklyo I don't disagree that we could have a phone number and that would be an improvement, but we don't have that right now. I'm not sure what your expectation of me is. Unless this is just to voice your frustrations - which is fine.
@ErikH91 I don't know what's causing it but I hope to have it fixed in the next update which should be some time early next week.
@MattGra83372687 @Arklyo Let me see if I can find out what that process is like. I was asked last week about this as well so I'll see what I can dig up.
@Arklyo You sure? I haven't deleted any tweets. Isn't that how business works? If I have an issue with my order at Amazon im put into a queue until they can get to me. It's unfortunate but it's very common in business.
@tazman1983 Not that I can recall
@Furious_ST Typically with server issues, I rely on @thelilpanda for my info. He may be able to help. Shot him a tweet!
@tazman1983 On Prim: its an ongoing conversation so I can't say no or yet to that. In general servers and types of servers to launch are active conversations. I haven't heard any plans to remove the tether on console so I'd say unlikely right now.
Happy National Unicorn Day! 🦄 #playARK