Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

24 Mar

Glorious Ashes community - tune in at 11AM PDT this Friday, March 27 for an early preview of our upcoming Alpha One content! (Click here to convert this to your local time.)

Please note that since we'll be focusing on our early Alpha One preview during this stream, we'll be taking questions LIVE from Twitch c... Read more

13 Mar

Glorious Ashes Community, due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic we have enacted a Work From Home Policy for our developers. This decision was made in an abundance of caution for our Intrepid family and to help alleviate the burden of school closures recently announced.

For more information, read on here: ... Read more

11 Mar


This pack is the best thing that i have ever seen o.O. I hope it will look exactly like that in the game.
The only thing missing that i would like is a helmet with a skull visor on it. I imagine the visor would come down when ever you enter combat, it would look so cool.... And of course i bought the Voyager Plus pack.

Aww, appreciate that you like this set!

A few people have requested more face-covering helmets, so maybe you'll see more of those in a future pack, or as in-game rewards. ;)

Missed this month. I feel very bad and hurt :(
This theme is really beautiful. Hope to get another opportunity to obtain something similar in the future.

Favorite features: The mount's face. The pet's lines & spots. The costume's color diversity. Take notes!

Glad you like it. In game, I'm sure we'll have more fun oracle-themed rewards even if there are or aren't any Monthly Cosmetic sets that are. <3

10 Mar


I knew I would eventually buy into the Voyager Plus pack (I wanted the alpha 2 key). I was just waiting for the right cosmetic set to come along. As soon as I saw this one, I knew my wallet was about to get lighter.
Awesome job to all involved with this design! Can't wait to see it in-game.

Glad you like it! It was really fun to design! <3

06 Mar


Again great work will be interesting to see what other variants and colouration's we will see in game. Looking forward to it.

There are quite a few! We showed some of them off on our live stream!

Check it out!

05 Mar


Looks like I get to save my money again this month ;)

Cosmetics look fantastic but just are not my style so will pass.
Great work @MargaretKrohn well put together.

To each their own. I am sure we'll have other sets that you like. =P

Thanks for appreciating them though! <3

I just have to ask but who's idea was it to make this and can I by friends with them ^^

It was @LieutenantToast 's theme that got selected, and I designed all the individual items. =)

04 Mar


I really love this whole set! Fantastic job! @MargaretKrohn Man, I hope I can save up enough to get them all... Nicely done @LieutenantToast for selecting the theme set. Just my cup of tea or coffee (DARK ROAST!) : )

Glad you like it!


And we're super happy everyone has been enjoying this set! =)

this has to be one of the best mounts you've shown off so far


I love this little guy! Great video and blog post. Way to start off March :)

Glad you both like it!

There lie no shortage of aspirants looking to change their lot, but what is conviction without strength? As chance would have it, beings exist in this world willing to barter with desperate souls for a taste of their unnatural might. In the end, no price is too great for the opportunity to forge one's own destiny.

The Dark Allegiances cosmetic addons will be available in the Ashes of Creation shop from ... Read more

There lie no shortage of aspirants looking to change their lot, but what is conviction without strength? As chance would have it, beings exist in this world willing to barter with desperate souls for a taste of their unnatural might. In the end, no price is too great for the opportunity to forge one's own destiny.

The Dark Allegiances cosmetic addons will be available in the Ashes of Creation shop from March 4, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific a... Read more

03 Mar


Many souls having grown up within the vast reaches of Verra’s lands will have heard the tale of the Scalerunner in their youth.

📺 Watch the full creation of this fierce reptile

📖 Learn more about this tall tale ... Read more

Many souls having grown up within the vast reaches of Verra’s lands will have heard the tale of the Scalerunner in their youth.

📺 Watch the full creation of this fierce reptile

📖 Learn more about this tall tale ... Read more

21 Feb


Glorious Ashes Community!

Our next live stream will be Friday, February 28 at 11AM PST! (Click here to convert this to your local time.)

As we've been doing for our past several streams, we'd love to gather some questions from everyone to answer live! Please submit your question in the thread below, and we'll do our best to get to as many of them as we can on our live stream next week. In order to accommodate questions from more members of our community, please only post ONE question below, and the more direct/succinct the better! Submissions end ... Read more

05 Feb


No undead?
I sleep

That would be an interesting combo for the month of love. (Might've taken a dark turn. =P)

The pure shine of sterling is joined with the prismatic brilliance of rubies. Kaelar nobility have long had a flair for the romantic, and only the Vek's mastery of silverwork can meet a noble's exacting standards. Here, no expense is spared on a display fit only for the most passionate of royalty.

The Silver Sheens and Gleaming Dreams cosmetic addons will be available in the Ashes of Creation shop from February 5, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. Pac... Read more

29 Jan


Great quality work as usual. Will be a real treat stepping into Verra and seeing the culmination of all this hard work by the dev team.

We can't wait!!

Among the Vaelune’s many pursuits, hunting is especially popular. They use specialized beasts to great effect, including the Dunewing Falcon.

📖 Learn more about its lore ... Read more

23 Jan


Glorious Ashes Community!

Our next live stream will be Thursday, January 30 at 11AM PST! (Click here to convert this to your local time.)

As we've been doing for our past several streams, we'd love to gather some questions from everyone to answer live! Please submit your question in the thread below, and we'll do our best to get to as many of them as we can on our live stream next week. In order to accommodate questions from more members of our community, please only post ONE question below, and the more direct/succinct the better! Submissions end ... Read more