🎥 Did you enjoy getting a glimpse of our studio and meeting more of our talented developers?
(Updated OP as well)
- superhero6785
"you're coming to work with us."
Is this possibly a double entendre foreshadowing of an Alpha 2 date?
- TarnishedSolaire
Will some group mounts weapons systems be support focused?
- Scroon
will our characters be sensitive to heat and cold. and will the equipment be adapted accordingly ?
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- zombinvestor
- Vaknar;d-54767
Glorious Ashes of Creation Community!
Our next livestream will be Friday, December 23, 2022 at 11AM Pacific! (Click here to convert this to your local time.)
This holiday season, we have something very dif...
- NiKr
Can't wait to finally see the office!
- Rabbit
Will it be on Twitch?
- -T0Mb-
Dual wielding question:
Is dual wielding locked behind some talent or skill trees and can every class use dual wielding?
- Vaknar;d-54767
- To set expectations, we don’t have all our snazzy Intrepid Studios decor up yet, but we do have a ton of wonderful folks who are excited to meet you! Because of this, we won’t have a Q&A session for this livestream, but we hope that you will enjoy getting to know more of the development team and we’ll bring back the normal Development Update Livestream in the new year! ^_^[/quote]
For this month, we put aside the Q&A to focus on other elements of this unique stream! We'd love it if you gave us your question in the Q&A thread next month! Thank you and stay awesome! ^_^
- Tyranthraxus
A question about travelling and exploring:
Node towns and cities will offer a host of services that can differ, town-to-town. Message and contract billboards, Node-specific channels, and markets for stalls are some of what we know of, thus far. Can you give us a general idea of what kind of things we can expect to see/experience when entering a new-to-us township for the first time, and how we'll know to find our way around?
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- Vaknar;d-54767
- To set expectations, we don’t have all our snazzy Intrepid Studios decor up yet, but we do have a ton of wonderful folks who are excited to meet you! Because of this, we won’t have a Q&A session for this livestream, but we hope that you will enjoy getting to know more of the development team and we’ll bring back the normal Development Update Livestream in the new year! ^_^[...
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- Chineseboy
- Vaknar
- Akaime
... as i know the sets come as a full set and you cannot mix and match sets, therefore is it possible to equip a full cosmetic set and the cloak that comes with it on top as it is not actually part of the set and comes separately?...
This will not be possible. The cosmetic costume is applied to your character and other, singular cosmetic items cannot be applied over it. So you can wear the full cosmetic costume or you could use your own gear appearances and apply individual cosmetic pieces, such as this cloak, to them! :)
Dear Game manager, I hope to get your reply. As my name indicates, I am a senior high school student from China and will go to college next year. My expectation for this game is higher than all the games I have ever seen before I hope you can add Chinese i...
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- MMOAddict
More gatherables in the environment - What do you like, and what don’t you like about the broadening of resources available out in the wild?
- i love it, gathering and crafting is always very important to me, i realy enjoy making lots of gold in games with crafting and gathering so to me these systems are essential in a game. I'm very excited about the way you are setting it up
Surveying and gathering/b] - How do you feel about the interaction between the surveying and gathering system?
- havent seen enough about it to form an opinion
Gathering with multiple people - What is your gathering profession fantasy for participating in gathering with multiple players?
- for you to set up a system in certain factions like a guild that support cooperation in crafting profesions
for example: if i am not a sme...
- Akaime
... as i know the sets come as a full set and you cannot mix and match sets, therefore is it possible to equip a full cosmetic set and the cloak that comes with it on top as it is not actually part of the set and comes separately?...