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In world of Warcraft, there is away to link together accounts so family members can play together but are only paying for one subscription. Are we able to something similar, or will that fall under the Multiboxing rules?
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hi there! As I don't believe this is a topic we've covered quite specifically before, it may be something you'd like to ask in a Q&A thread for an upcoming live stream! As it stands at the moment, each Intrepid account has its own subscription that you'll use to log in and play.

I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out now, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can assist you with!
about 3 years ago - EA_Illium - Direct link
@boushboush You would be able to connect your Xbox account to the same EA account that you use on PC.

However, Apex does not support cross-progression so items you earned on PC would not carry over. Illium.png

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about 1 year ago - EA_Pulsar - Direct link

Hey @Yungthugkat 

Sorry for the bad news, but the game progress cannot be transferred between different EA accounts. Unlinking your console account from any EA account would only reset your account's progress. 

If you are having some trouble accessing your old PlayStation account, please contact Sony for further assistance. 
