Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

16 Aug


Party hasn’t even started my frand ❤️ Welcome!

15 Aug


Hi frands, for clarity, this is a very early stage of this armor set’s creation. Want you to be able to see the process. End of this month you may see the final stage on our live stream ❤️ :)

14 Aug


Great discussion. As I’ve said before the intent is to provide friends who may be more casual in their daily playtimes, a means to catch up to the location of their group.

I will not allow a system in place that circumvents the resource or region mechanics. Nor will an implementation be allowed that could abuse my “anti-Zerg” desires. The testing for this feature will be present in A2 and I will always err on the side of caution when examining the data we collect around this mechanic. Keep up the discussion 👍🙏

12 Aug


Sorrrrry. The “leak” term is a community joke because I will often sneak content to the community and get in trouble by my community team for jumping the gun. 😂❤️


Originally posted by Muldin7500

That dwarf need some meat on those hips.

So Steven is this non grade or d grade? Hmm ,🤔



If you can see any of the armor behind the beard, is it really a dwarf?

10 Aug


Originally posted by Perfittb

Was just reading this thread, sorry this reply didn't get any traction.. I totally understand your point 😅

All good. =P

I'll just yell into the void that is the internet. At least, we answered. hehe.

09 Aug


Originally posted by HaydosMcWombat

Steven pretty much reads every single forum and reddit post each night. He is often lurking on disc and drops in to chat quite often, it's well worth jumping on there... Just don't bite the bait that will be thrown at you in #aoc-discussion



Originally posted by StormierNik

This can't seriously be a bot someone decided to make. Even though the post wasn't even aggressive, using a condescending bot on an angry person does nothing. It's the long winded version of "haha u mad bro? Go outside". What a useless bot.

Lol. This bot is silly

07 Aug


Originally posted by bigbluey1

Just a heads up because honestly i didn't think it'd get this many likes :O
This isn't a serious suggestion. So Intrepid, you don't have to change the name :'D
But if the community socially in game calls this the Snorse mount from now on, man that would be funny :)
Similar to how WoW players call the Brutosaur Mount - The Long Boi



LOL! 😂 This is not a democracy!

I did google Snorse though, and I see a lot of strange creatures. haha. Thank you for the future inspiration. =P

06 Aug


Originally posted by Zeshio

I look forward to making more! ;)

Can't wait to see more! 😍

05 Aug


It's so good! WE LOVE IT!


Originally posted by AlluringSecrets

👀 report received..banned em all in my imagination



Originally posted by Zeshio

I appreciate it! Thanks for the kind words

This is AMAZING! <3 thank you for sharing it with us, we were truly blown away - and we just had to share it with the rest of our team as well so they could admire it too ;)


Originally posted by HybridPS2

I attribute a lot of that to how open, honest, and passionate the team seems, and especially Steven. You can tell he's literally just an old MMO gamer who got tired of the themepark offerings we have today.

Whooooaaaaaa. Let’s chill with the “old” mmo gamer ya little whipper snapper. 👴🏼

For real though, I feel old :(


Originally posted by leximax

Reported for spam ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



Originally posted by AlluringSecrets

Thank you for the tag Maggie c:

Ive gone ahead and added a post flair for Developer responses.
Appreciate suggestions folks so feel free to send me a message, Ill be adding megathreads for suggestion/feedback, class discussions and so on in the near future.

You're the best! Thanks! 💕🥰


Originally posted by Steven_AoC

