Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

02 Sep


Originally posted by Clydemortranexis

I will NOT give you my money until I see a release date, AoC! Not one cent!

That's PERFECTLY fine. =)

You do you! These are for folks interested in helping support the development of the game, but no one has to. <3


Hi friends!

I’d like to reiterate and address some comments.

These skins are part of our pre-order packages. The skins cycle monthly and are never available again for purchase. The packages include a nice amount of subscription time, embers (virtual currency for future cosmetics when the game is live), perks (name reservation), ability to purchase future pack skins as add-ons, and finally access to different alphas and betas.

Ashes, and Intrepid, will never provide gameplay benefits through purchasable items in our marketplace. We are 100% non-p2w.

I also do not agree with box-prices or charging for expansions/DLC. We are very transparent in the business model of subscription with cosmetic only marketplace.

I’ve also made clear that the cosmetics achievable in-game will be on par, and in the case of legendary skins, more elaborate than the shop items.

I respect and understand the opinion of rather having a box price in-place of ...

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Originally posted by Lux-Fox

Ay, and my name irl as well.

Awesome! My name is not that cool. lol. #jelly


Originally posted by adm_shiza

better then last month but I want more gothic cosmetics.

We swap it up each month, so you never know! ;)


Originally posted by AlluringSecrets

Darker themed cosmetics usually are released in October

Not always. =P


Originally posted by blondesonic

These are sickkkk but $250 for a game at least a year away, can't do it.

Totally understand, and you don't have to. Don't buy any of the pre-order packages if you don't want to. 🤗


Originally posted by Disig

They're selling cosmetics in the store already? Not even released yet? Or is this a new reward for pre-ordering now?

These are rewards for pre-ordering now. =)

01 Sep


Originally posted by Ridikiscali

Are the models for all races in the game yet? If so, great! If not, shouldn’t devs be prioritizing that over making models for the cash shop?

These items help us create the world of Verra! We use the base of these to make alternate creature variants and NPCS costume variants in the world. So don't worry, the development for these go into building the game.

Race models are going swimmingly, and when we are ready to reveal more of the other races, we'll do so on our official channels as per usual. ;)


Originally posted by Limpinator

Is there a way we can view the previous deals that have happened?

Also, if I bought a bundle a previous month can I swap it for this months bundle?

We keep our FAQ article database up-to-date

And we post them on our website

Also, if you already purchased a package, going forward you can now buy the new monthly items as addons individually. We don't normally allow swapping, but you're welcome to message our Customer S...

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Originally posted by Lux-Fox

I just want that mount is all.

It suits your name! 😍


Originally posted by Razor615

My favorite set so far, really good designs, can't wait to see them in-game! wow!

Glad you like them!


Originally posted by ZeroZelath

Honestly considering they say they don't need any more money yet do stuff like this (even if it comes with gametime, which to be fair is a nice incentive) it's kind of weird that these are exclusive time limited things since the game would be made either way according to them.

All these things should become available to purchase again after the game launches... be it permanently available at a higher price than usual (dunno about this) or a rotating schedule they let these items be bought so they still carry some sort of exclusivity feeling.

Totally understand your perspective. You don't have to purchase them. They provide no in-game benefit. Folks still have to attain an item in-game to put these skins on. These are for folks who want to help support us as we continue our development.

Note that these items help us build the world as well! We will use these base creatures, and items to create NPCs variants and NPC variant outfits in the world. Folks who purchase these, are helping us build the world of Verra!

These are exclusives though and will not be attainable through other means.


OMG I LOVE IT!!! Hahahha.

28 Aug


Originally posted by miffyrin

You mean a small studio on the rise will have a different outlook and vibe to it than a massively bloated and successful underling of one of the largest publishers in the world? Well, yeah.

Thing is, those smaller studios and dev teams still exist. It's not a sign of the times.

And you're kind of deluding yourself if you think game development was ever not focused on maximizing potential revenue with the product. Developers are not artists, and are not your friends. They're working a business, and trying to get the most profit possible out of their work is completely normal.

Pretty sure one of the reasons Albion is decently healthy is due to the extremely simplistic graphics and systems. Apples and oranges, really, I don't think it's the PvP element that's truly behind Albion's success, accessibility is.

I'm not condoning AGS's actions. If you supported them and are disappointed because you wanted the initially promised iteration, you're right to be ...

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I’m sorry. But your opinion is pretty dark. I cannot speak for other studios, but at Intrepid we do consider mani in the community our friends. We often talk about individuals in the community, their creations, their lives and care about the people we’ve met. Not every project boils down to maximizing profit. There are such things as passion projects where the focus lies in making the best product that fits a vision, and not the bottom line.

22 Aug


Hello frands,

Too often we forget our kindness on the internet, and despite whatever history may have with their previously published titles, the people at the office are good people and gamers like ourselves. So while we can be happy about this development and the adventure it entails for Ashes, let’s collectively wish our friends at good luck in their own journey forward and keep our attitudes positive for both parties. ❤️

21 Aug


Glorious Ashes of Creation Community,

When we first launched our partnership with MY.GAMES (previously My.Com and Mail.Ru) in 2018, our aim was to provide the best customer and operational support for our European and Russian players. The logistics and operational components surrounding EU/CIS publishing is complex and a significant responsibility. At the time, it made the most sense to partner with an established publisher for these regions. As we have grown as a company and have expanded our capabilities it made sense to reevaluate our strategies and ultimately expand ...

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20 Aug


OMG CUTE! Hahahaha.