Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

27 Jul


Originally posted by DLLRSnatcher

This is so awful, gross and disgusting... I'm honestly completely and utterly offended that they had the audacity to add this slider without also adding a bulge slider for men. trash game. TRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who said there isn’t a bulge slider? 👀


Appreciate your kind words and support my friend.


Patience is bitter, but it’s fruit is so, so sweet 😂❤️💪

26 Jul

24 Jul

23 Jul

Glorious Ashes community!

To welcome all the newer folks, Steven Sharif (our Creative Director) will be doing a LIVE AMA via Reddit and Twitch on July 25th from 12PM - 1PM PDT (...

Read more External link →

21 Jul


Originally posted by Flohmaster

So they're talking to the chief developer in command? Gotcha, thanks

This made me laugh lol ❤️


Hi new frands. We are working hard to do you right. Hope is rekindled. Welcome to the community! ❤️

20 Jul


Appreciate the kind words and your support. Working hard to make you and our other gaming fam proud ❤️

09 Jul


Originally posted by Shaylabay

Where's the girly skin sets

We've had some more feminine ones in the past. We like to keep a good mix and swap things up with new themes each month, so if this one doesn't suit you're liking, maybe another one will in the future. <3

08 Jul

04 Jul


Originally posted by Dannst4r

Very well said, I'm supppppper excited about getting my hands on Alpha 1, August can't come fast enough.

Woot! <3


Originally posted by WillofDeezNuts1

I am happy to announce that we will be expanding the testing group starting in August to include Leader of Men pack holders as we begin to ramp up the testing of Alpha One.



Originally posted by AlluringSecrets

August! It's my birthday present! How nice of Intrepid

Happy early birthday Alluring!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally posted by DJVirtek

Can't wait to see the newest additions to the client and hear even more feedback on the game's progress!

<3 Thanks DJVirtek! We can't wait!


Originally posted by engmanredbeard

I was hoping bravers would get in around August. O well, new world here I come I guess shrug

There's a lot of folks in BoW Backer section, we want to ensure things are stable and a good experience for y'all before we spread the testing invites further. Have no fear though, y'all will be joining the testing! <3

03 Jul

29 Jun


Originally posted by firewood010

Can we have a summary of the live stream? Something like surrender at 20 will be fantastic.

Ashes Post does a fantastic recap over on their site! Our community is pretty awesome in that way. <3

27 Jun