Marvel's Avengers

Marvel's Avengers Dev Tracker

12 Sep


Originally posted by Agrias34

So then what's the point of Drop Zones and Threat Sectors if they only drop 120 gear?

There is content that is higher challenge that drops higher quality gear so the goal is to work your way up. You can still drop zones and threat sectors for that and dailies. Would be a little stale if all the best loot dropped in the same spot.


Originally posted by CD_MeaganMarie

Hi all - Thank you for all the reports on this issue. There was a change made to the system that appears to have the unintentional result of some faction mission rewards capping at 120 instead of 130. We will have a more definitive update by EOD - but I wanted to ensure you know we're on this!


Hi all - thank you for your patience while we investigated issues concerning Faction missions awarding power 120 gear. This was in no way an intentional decision to nerf mission drops – as noted, our priority is very much on fixing bugs at the moment.

An error in the loot tables for Faction missions caused them to award high quality patterns consistently which was not intended. In fixing this error, the loot table for these missions was adjusted accidentally to a lower power than originally intended. To correct this, we are modifying the loot table for these missions so that they award gear up to power 130 rather than 120. The missions will also temporarily award Upgrade Modules as an apology for our error. Take advantage of it while you can!

Please note, Threat Sectors and Drop Zones will continue to award gear only up to power 120 as they have since launch.

This change should be live now.

The team at Crystal would like to thank you for report...

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11 Sep


We have fixes incoming for several issues with flyers going out of bounds coming shortly!


Hi all - Thank you for all the reports on this issue. There was a change made to the system that appears to have the unintentional result of some faction mission rewards capping at 120 instead of 130. We will have a more definitive update by EOD - but I wanted to ensure you know we're on this!


Originally posted by Magnusbijacz

Honestly, this is exactly the time to get into specifics. The game is absolutely broken on multiple levels. Resources vanishing, multiplayer still not working, enemies disappearing into walls and blocking progression through missions, stealth nerfs/fixes to loot, skins still locking even though 1.2.5 was supposed to prevent it,loot not being properly distributed after HIVE missions (and we still did not get a confirmation whether exotics are exclusive to elite heroic HIVE or just elite HIVE can give you exotics as well) and many, many many more issues. Start actually communicating with the playerbase instead of doing the mantra of "we hear you, we are working", we need proper communication with ETA, specifics and something tangible,cause this isn't gonna cut for much longer

To be clear - we will be getting into LOTS of specifics both now and with our next patch. My "not getting into specifics" comment was in relation to the "make things right" comment, which I can't expand on, because it is still a WIP plan.

I'm going to edit my comment because it seems to be confusing the message.


This is so upsetting. I deeply apologize on behalf of the team. We are heads down working as hard as possible to fix these bugs and find a way to make things right with those of you who joined us on day one.

In regards to the units - here is what we’ve discovered so far:

“We are aware of an issue where units have gone missing from some inventories. We have found the root cause, and are working towards a fix. For now, a workaround is not to hold more than 32,000 Units at a time, as that appears to be what triggers the bug. We are also getting reports of additional resources going missing, and are actively investigating. We understand how frustrating it is to lose your hard-earned Resources & Units, and apologize for the inconvenience!"

10 Sep


Hey all!

Saw some conversation regarding Elite Hives. We have investigated the issues regarding loot in Elite Hives and have found that there was an item incorrectly dropping which would show as a level 1 green. That item has been replaced with the appropriate loot for this mission.

We have also confirmed that Exotics are dropping as intended, though they are a low percentage to acquire after the first completion of the mission. To clarify this further, Elite Hives have a chance to grant Exotic Gear and an Exotic Artifact. The Exotic Artifact is credited to all heroes in your roster while the gear remains individual to heroes.

The fix for the incorrect loot will be pushed with the next patch and we will continue to monitor drop rates for Exotic items and make adjustments as needed.


We are currently working on a tuning update for that mission, news on that soon!

09 Sep


Exotics aren't a guaranteed drop, its a chance to drop BUT there is a bug with elite hives not granting their rewards appropriately. We are investigating this.


Thanks for writing that up! We are looking into improving the gameplay with smash doors, hope to have news on that soon.

i can't comment too much on the other points but they are seen, again thank you for writing that up. We will update when we have updates!


Ill bring up the suggestion with the design team!


We are looking into a bug where the proper rewards aren't granted at the end of elite hives. Thanks for reporting it!


Originally posted by FreightTrainLane

I don't see anything mentioned about the persisting DEVICE_HUNG crash that is preventing myself and many other players from playing the game at all on PC. The last update claimed to fix it but myself and many others reported that was not the case. Bugs are one thing but not being able to play the game at all is unacceptable.

Oh no! That should have been addressed. Let me send this to the PC team!

08 Sep


Hi Reddit! Quick update. We are working on Patch V1.2.5 for consoles and hope to have it ready in the next several days.

Patch V1.2.5 will resolve a number of play-through stoppers among other fixes. Here is a preview of what to expect:

INFINITE LOADING SCREENS: V1.2.5 will resolve an infrequent bug where players are unable to progress with the campaign due to an infinite loading screen.

FALLING OUT OF WORLD WHEN ENTERING THE AVENGERS INITIATIVE: V1.2.5 Addresses the majority of instances of a partially loaded Helicarrier which resulted in characters infinitely falling out of world when trying to access the Avengers Initiative. There are rare instances where this could happen still, but the patch ensures that loading back into the main menu and then returning to the Avengers Initiative will resolve it. We are still working to eliminate this bug entirely.

UNLOCKED CAMPAIGN OUTFITS REVERTING TO LOCKED STATE: We prevented this from happening in V1.2.5...

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07 Sep


Originally posted by Power-Kraut


So it was about a 2-hour delay on your end?

1-2 hours, depending on where your “region” starts and ends. I’m in Germany, and our 2:00 AM is the UK’s 1:00 AM. If the UK is your target time zone, it would be a one-hour delay.

And did you exit and restart the app at any point

I had the app open at midnight. At around 1:00, I realised it hadn’t reset, so I restarted. No luck. At around 2:00, the game crashed. Upon restarting, still no reset. I did one mission after that, and after that mission (2:20 or thereabouts), the reset was suddenly there. Hope this helps in any way!

Hmmm. Strange, but very helpful info! I’ll pass this on to the team! Thank you!


Oh good - glad they reset! So it was about a 2-hour delay on your end? And did you exit and restart the app at any point? Trying to figure out why it took so long for you!

06 Sep


Updates for 9/6:


  • Presentation: Rarely this presents as an inability to continue in the mission Interrogation Anxiety due to not being able to interact with specific characters.

  • Status [9/6]: We are actively investigating.


  • Presentation: This is an infrequent bug that presents varying behavior with the fabrication machine, including distributing rewards with without notifications, distributing incorrect rewards, and missing rewards.

  • Expected Behavior: Patterns will grant you a random Outfit. If your pattern is a duplicate, it will instead grant you Units for spending with vendors.

  • Status [9/6]: We are actively working towards a fix.

  • ...
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