Marvel's Avengers

Marvel's Avengers Dev Tracker

16 Nov


Originally posted by Drifter_Stu


Phil - for the love of god can you give us some dates? Dates for new wartable. Date for when we can finally have a roadmap. How is Bungie able to plot out content drops several months in advance and you guys can't even give us a heads up when a patch is set to drop? We should have had a tentative roadmap in October.

If i had dates to give i gladly would. I don't have any control over when things get announced. Things like official dates get announced through the official channels.


Originally posted by [deleted]


The entire dev team is still working on the game. I get that you guys are frustrated but trying to spin everything i say into something negative isn't helping anything.


Full auto tends to be really good to apply status effects, i personally use them for that effect and switch to single shot for damage dealing.


The war table is still coming.


Without going into things that haven't been revealed. The team is working primarily on all things Kate/Clint along with bugs and QOL issues. A small group is working on new things that won't be ready for a while and when Kate and Clint are done more people will move over to new things. There's a small group working on a better version of loot which won't be ready for a while as well. We also have a small group working on content drop that can be executed with existing assets which is how we get things like Tachyon missions.

10 Nov

Check out the patch notes for V1.3.5 below! Highlights include a fix for an issue where inspecting gear would at times block relevant stats, and the addition of XP bonuses for selecting “Quick Match” and "Quick Match with any Hero."

External link →

06 Nov


Originally posted by StrategosXERO

Me and my friend would love to play with you guys. Playing with my buddy on ps4 for his birthday. Lets play.

Message Andy when were starting should be able to:)


Andy and i will be playing with you again today at 2:00PM! Come join us, we will be on twitch in the CrystalDynamics channel.

If you want to play, message us and we will do our best to get you in! If you want to ask us some questions, this is a good time for it as well!

External link →

05 Nov


We've now refunded 700 Credits to anyone who has purchased Thor's Unworthy Outfit. Please relaunch the game to see this. The outfit will be back in the future!


Originally posted by Spalding1995

Skin is gone from the shop, is not in my cosmetics and I wasn't even refunded.

Please tell me this is a joke.

We are in the process of managing that, there should be a message shortly about the resolution but don't worry you won't get cheated out of anything.


We are looking into this right now.


Reported it, we have people looking into this. Thanks for letting us know!

04 Nov


This isn't a bug, the level rewards exotics on the first play of the week but if you look at the mission on subsequent times it does not guarantee gear it guarantees resources. I invite you to feedback on that but that is intended at the moment. Just wanted to clarify expectation. When you play high level content keep an eye on loot advertisement, they often have a far better reward pool for the first play every week.

*Edit* I just want to stress that i said subsequent play does not guarantee gear, i did not say you will never get some. Just to be very clear on that point.

03 Nov


Before launch the Bifrost could go over anything without the current some of you pointed out: It allowed you to get stuck in pretty amazing places. Just wanted to share that tidbit!

31 Oct


Originally posted by TrepieFF

Please can we get longer hair options for Black Widow? Also the option to change her hair colour on certain skins would be amazing (e.g the option to change her hair to red in the 'Fear Itself' skin to make it more comic accurate.)

Passed that suggestion along


Originally posted by anna-nomally12

(What's the likelihood we eventually get to toggle helmets/hair styles/facial hair?)

Its been talked about but i don't know if and when it would be acted on.


Originally posted by goteamventure42

So is the save/game wiping bug just something that is always going to be in the game?

Not at all but it has taken far longer than we wanted to find all the root causes of save game corruption. We have fixed a few instances of it, clearly some are left. We have programmers working on this constantly.


Originally posted by MarvelousPhoenix

For those who want a summary of everything answered:

  • MCU Skins, maybe.
  • Working on short-term and long term solutions towards the loot system (in response to a question addressing rerolling perks and stats).
  • No idea when they will be back in the studio. They have had to deal with developers having to evacuate their homes, several times, due to fires in California, power failures, and failed internet connections as well as differing internet connections among developers while trying to develop. Everything takes longer due to Covid-19. For example, mocap for creating moves used to take one afternoon, but there is a two week lead-in for quarantine just to record moves.
  • They are working on A.I.M. Cloning Lab. They want to make sure everything is bug free and balanced.
  • More villains and more lairs are coming.
  • Splitting time among three areas: 1) Bug Fixes and Quality of Life, 2) New Content, and 3) Redesigning existing content. M...
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Love your recap! thank you for doing that but just a point of clarity concerning Mega Hives, i was talking about the elevators not the whole thing :)

30 Oct


Originally posted by WizardDresden77

No new difficulties, but are there plans to make the existing difficulties more meaningful in terms of rewards?

Also, any plans to address the issue where it auto swaps your challenge level when using matchmaking?

Yes to more meaningful and i honestly don't know for the challenge swap.


Originally posted by Spideyforpresident

  • Are aim labs going to be similar to megahives gameplay and design wise ?

  • Will there be new takedown animations coming to the game before the end of the year or early next year? If so could it be possible to equip and choose which takedown you want to use ? For example I’d love to equip the fastest takedowns on widow to boost my damage output while invisible

  • Will screenshots from photo mode have the possibility of being added as loading screens ?

  • Can we look forward to the dev team possibly working on adding custom outfits to the character loading screens ?

  • Is there any discussion for having saved loadouts ?

  • Will challenge IV see any type of reward boost in the future ? Like a higher chance to drop a Exotic from all missions and not just from weekly timed content ? Cause as it stands everything can grinded on the easiest difficulty and has the same payout as challenge IV

  • Wil...

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Answering in order...

Cloning labs is a very different design, it focuses on collaboration and it gear checks players at the high end of the spectrum. It features harder versions of things you have seen before and it does have some new art but also uses some existing things.

No idea about new takedowns but i will ask

Saw the suggestion about photo mode, we are talking about it

Possibly its something we are discusing

Saving loadouts is on our list, not sure when

Loot as a whole is going to need some changes, thats one of the vectors.

No plans for a new difficulty at this time but we are introducing Omega Threat level missions with cloning lab, effectively its a bit like a new difficulty but no plans for something like more challenge levels atm.

Warzones currently only support very limited respawning but that's something i am extremely interested in. What you are describing is something i want to do in the near future.

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