Marvel's Avengers

Marvel's Avengers Dev Tracker

13 Sep


We are currently investigating issues with daily missions not resetting properly. The team thanks you for your patience while we strive to find a solution.

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Lots of great comments and feedback here. I’m passing this thread along to the team - so keep it coming!

Hi all,

We understand some folks in the community are not getting as many matchmaking experiences as they are hoping to see, and/or are encountering difficulties around using friend invitations to team up online. Here are some quick explanations, remedies, and a couple open issues we’re working to correct.

Q: How does matchmaking search for Strike Team members work?
A: If you have matchmaking enabled in your settings when you have selected a specific mission from the War Table, you enter an ASSEMBLING HEROES* matchmaking window noted in the center of the screen above Hero Selection and Launch Mission.

The Matchmaking search is looking for anyone else who:

  1. Has also selected that mission

  2. Has a hero selected who is not already in your Strike Team

  3. Has a hero power level within close range to your hero.

Note: After 5 seconds the search runs again expanding the range of Her...

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12 Sep


Looks like there are still a lot of questions around loot. I can work on a blog or update to help clarify some of your questions and provide some context/clarity. Feel free to respond to me here with what you most want answered!

Worth noting, though, our team is still heads down working on bug fixes - so a comprehensive blog may take a week or so. :)


Originally posted by CMDR_MUYA

Please fix interrogation anxiety now!

We are hard at work on it! This bug is a priority for sure!


Originally posted by snwns26

One question, Threat Sectors aren’t for endgame gearing but what about when they are Priority like Enter: The Avengers last week? Do we simply get a reward for first completion like the blog says or is loot buffed for the mission in general for the week until it rotates also?

Good question! there is a better reward the first time you complete a priority mission every week which is higher quality than the normal version of the level.


Originally posted by DatSoySauce

Hey Phil. Has there been any word or insight into the current tables for elite heroic hives ?

Can ya take a look there as they still seem broken.

My challenge 3 100% completion last run yielded 5 upgrade modules. That was it

I see you guys have a lot of questions about these, let me speak with some people and ill try to give you a better answer.


Originally posted by Phosphorist

Seriously? You're the best.

I understood that reference


Originally posted by Agrias34

So then what's the point of Drop Zones and Threat Sectors if they only drop 120 gear?

There is content that is higher challenge that drops higher quality gear so the goal is to work your way up. You can still drop zones and threat sectors for that and dailies. Would be a little stale if all the best loot dropped in the same spot.


Originally posted by CD_MeaganMarie

Hi all - Thank you for all the reports on this issue. There was a change made to the system that appears to have the unintentional result of some faction mission rewards capping at 120 instead of 130. We will have a more definitive update by EOD - but I wanted to ensure you know we're on this!


Hi all - thank you for your patience while we investigated issues concerning Faction missions awarding power 120 gear. This was in no way an intentional decision to nerf mission drops – as noted, our priority is very much on fixing bugs at the moment.

An error in the loot tables for Faction missions caused them to award high quality patterns consistently which was not intended. In fixing this error, the loot table for these missions was adjusted accidentally to a lower power than originally intended. To correct this, we are modifying the loot table for these missions so that they award gear up to power 130 rather than 120. The missions will also temporarily award Upgrade Modules as an apology for our error. Take advantage of it while you can!

Please note, Threat Sectors and Drop Zones will continue to award gear only up to power 120 as they have since launch.

This change should be live now.

The team at Crystal would like to thank you for report...

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11 Sep


We have fixes incoming for several issues with flyers going out of bounds coming shortly!


Hi all - Thank you for all the reports on this issue. There was a change made to the system that appears to have the unintentional result of some faction mission rewards capping at 120 instead of 130. We will have a more definitive update by EOD - but I wanted to ensure you know we're on this!


Originally posted by Magnusbijacz

Honestly, this is exactly the time to get into specifics. The game is absolutely broken on multiple levels. Resources vanishing, multiplayer still not working, enemies disappearing into walls and blocking progression through missions, stealth nerfs/fixes to loot, skins still locking even though 1.2.5 was supposed to prevent it,loot not being properly distributed after HIVE missions (and we still did not get a confirmation whether exotics are exclusive to elite heroic HIVE or just elite HIVE can give you exotics as well) and many, many many more issues. Start actually communicating with the playerbase instead of doing the mantra of "we hear you, we are working", we need proper communication with ETA, specifics and something tangible,cause this isn't gonna cut for much longer

To be clear - we will be getting into LOTS of specifics both now and with our next patch. My "not getting into specifics" comment was in relation to the "make things right" comment, which I can't expand on, because it is still a WIP plan.

I'm going to edit my comment because it seems to be confusing the message.