Marvel's Avengers

Marvel's Avengers Dev Tracker

09 Sep


Originally posted by FreightTrainLane

I don't see anything mentioned about the persisting DEVICE_HUNG crash that is preventing myself and many other players from playing the game at all on PC. The last update claimed to fix it but myself and many others reported that was not the case. Bugs are one thing but not being able to play the game at all is unacceptable.

Oh no! That should have been addressed. Let me send this to the PC team!

08 Sep


Hi Reddit! Quick update. We are working on Patch V1.2.5 for consoles and hope to have it ready in the next several days.

Patch V1.2.5 will resolve a number of play-through stoppers among other fixes. Here is a preview of what to expect:

INFINITE LOADING SCREENS: V1.2.5 will resolve an infrequent bug where players are unable to progress with the campaign due to an infinite loading screen.

FALLING OUT OF WORLD WHEN ENTERING THE AVENGERS INITIATIVE: V1.2.5 Addresses the majority of instances of a partially loaded Helicarrier which resulted in characters infinitely falling out of world when trying to access the Avengers Initiative. There are rare instances where this could happen still, but the patch ensures that loading back into the main menu and then returning to the Avengers Initiative will resolve it. We are still working to eliminate this bug entirely.

UNLOCKED CAMPAIGN OUTFITS REVERTING TO LOCKED STATE: We prevented this from happening in V1.2.5...

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07 Sep