Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

31 Jan


Originally posted by Winter_Graves

This was often triggered by going into the menus and then backing out onto the game... The friends list remained as an overlay on the right side of the screen, so when you pulled the trigger you interacted with that menu, instead of your weapon, to make it disappear you just press options to go into start menu then circle to back out into the game and its fixed (on PS4).

A video would be great! This issue sounds really strange because it would be very obvious if it happened for everyone. And considering that all Playstation hardware is almost identical, I find it hard to understand how such an issue could happen. Do you have any other devices connected to your playstation? Maybe PSVR or some other third party controller?


Originally posted by zestychocolate

Hey there Dice,

Love the fact you all are doing your best to stay up on the bugs & updates. Thank you for that! Is there any plans to fix the Prone Bug? (Going prone on even or uneven ground/anywhere sometimes kicks you back to standing position.) I’ve lost count to how many times I’ve been eliminated due to diving behind cover then being force to stand up, ironically I get caught with my pants down!



Do you have a video? Could it be that your body just didn't have enough space to go prone in that specific place? Thanks.


First off let me say I love the ZK-383 on the medic. I may love it more than the MG-42. With the edition of new tanks added in game is there chance we'll see other non primary weapons added for the weekly challenges? Maybe like a Limpet Charge on the support?

19 Jan


Originally posted by Zandoray

I am taking a wild guess and assume that this is about ultra potato settings.

Just to clarify this: is fiddling around with Nvidia inspector a bannable offense?

Using it to abuse LOD Bias can land you in trouble. We're investigating potential fixes.

18 Jan


Hey there u/Gudboiharvester,

So i'm not allowed to publicly state why you were banned, as /u/Braddock512 has already explained.

What i will say though, i think you know why you were banned. So much so you deleted the Twitch VOD showing it happening live on your stream. Afterall, I was watching it at the time.

17 Jan

    /u/riopn on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by AdmrlNelson

I don't see why they don't just add the actual task to be performed under the flavor text.

You are right of course. It’s a bug and we are looking to hotfix it before week 2 starts.

The correct criteria is as /u/solid-ace2017 described.

If you look at any other node they should display their criteria instead.

15 Jan


Originally posted by Takhar7

Isn't Nat in charge of the UI?

She seems so cool and likeable, and is clearly very passionate about Battlefield.

But boy does this feel like she's way in over her head

Nope, I'm not in charge of the UI and has never been :) I'm just one of many UX designers and my focus for BFV has been the in-game HUD and HUD only. And I'm not the one deciding on the UI visuals, in that area I would've been way over my head cause I suck at it ^^ :D

09 Jan

27 Dec

    /u/riopn on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We are unfortunately still experiencing inconsistencies when it comes to tracking of the Tides of War assignments in general (not specific to any single one)
Trust me when I say that this saddens me a lot. We have engineers currently investigating the issue and I really wish I had more information to share at this moment.

As of right now, one thing that is confirmed is that if you bring up the pause menu and don't see your correct progress on the right panel, then ToW assignments will not track properly.

21 Dec


Originally posted by PcGhoul

This is the entire video, but if you wanna watch it at better quality (or check out my other cinematics) click here:

Also, the music is Olympus - Ross Bugden.

Another good one. Awesome work!

20 Dec


Originally posted by 235Nuke


Test on pc



19 Dec


Any word on if/when we’ll see a Limpet Charge/Satchel Charge/Panzerknacker in game? Tiggr mentioned after Beta that he believed it was in CH.1. With Ch1 half way over will we get a Festivus miracle and have it in the next few weeks? I really don’t want to have to end dinner with the airing of grievances about no timed explosive gadgets.

13 Dec

    /u/riopn on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Good work on getting to rank 20!
For Chapter 1: Overture there is currently no added benefit from completing more than what you need to unlock the rewards, in case you have already reached max chapter rank (20 for Overture).
We are looking at tweaking several different aspects of this progression going forward into future chapters. But XP will not be carried over.

10 Dec

06 Dec

    /u/riopn on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by jamez470

Let me know when it works. That’s annoying.

It should work now.

    /u/riopn on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by jamez470

Let me know when it works. That’s annoying.

Hold the fort should be fixed now.

    /u/riopn on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We are aware of the issue, it’s a bug. Currently working on solving it.

    /u/riopn on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We are aware of the issue, it’s a bug and we are working to solve it.

05 Dec

    /u/riopn on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by -W0rmH0le-

Hey Guys.. Thanks for the update and for quickly fix the issue which caused all the delay.

I saw some post about the rewards for leveling up my "Tides of War" rank up to 20. So, my question is: How can I level up my ToW Rank? If I complete all assignments, I will get all the new weapons... Does that mean that I'm gonna be level 20 also? Would I be able to become level 20 right in the first chapter or it is something that I must hold until last chapter?

Again: Thanks a lot for the great game!

There will be a unique Rank per Chapter.
The max rank for Overture is 20.
You will earn progress towards this rank by just playing the game any time you finish a round, but the best way to rank up is by completing the Chapter related assignments and challenges.

Without going into any specifics it is safe to say that your pace in the progression is correlated to your success on the Battlefield. So I wish you good luck out there soldier.

You can read more about that and some related topics here: