Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

29 Oct


Originally posted by diarchtct

Obviously, UI evolved over time and the actual one is way better than this, but I imagine it being a very cool gimmick added down the road. I never played BF2 but I'm sure some people would be happy to see this. Sometimes, it's about the small things that make a game special. Don't know how long it'd take to implement something like that tho, probably way too long. u/nat0lie


Yeah, this would mean that we need two of absolutely everything visually in the HUD (style and tone in mind as well)... A new BF font and new icons for everything - weapon, vehicles, medals, dogtags, missions, gamemodes, etc. It's a huge effort :)


Hey there u/Montysweden - Have you gone into the vault in Origin and added the game to your library? If you've already done this and don't see anything after a restart i would recommend contacting support here:

    /u/riopn on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Seen it. Thank you!
Much appreciated read during morning coffee browsing.

/Game Designer at DICE

24 Oct


Originally posted by B1LMAN

Reminds me of when Dice was banning players for being too good in BF1 :/

Something we've worked hard to correct these last few years!

18 Oct


Originally posted by x77aca77x

As great as that is, I hope they've made the in-game symbol bigger as well.

Yep! It's bigger and has three states:

  1. Normal - No actions from the player (just bleeds out)
  2. Requests revive - Icon becomes larger and starts to pulsate
  3. Skip revive - Icons becomes smaller and fades away

It should (hopefully) be super clear now :D


Originally posted by -W0rmH0le-

I'm still not convinced by this squad cam. You can't do anything on this screen (and they made clear it should be this way).

Still useless.. still annoying.. still just an additional step between the inevitable death and the deploy screen...

I really would like to go directly to the deploy screen.. How I wish an option to disable this feature.


This is true and we have already redesigned the whole death flow after hearing your feedback from the Beta. We're looking at merging the Deploy screen and the SquadCam so that you can swap between them both! We're now working hard to implement it as fast as possible :)

(Won't make it for launch though since this is a big change!!)

03 Oct


Originally posted by NjGTSilver

The ammo pouch felt almost exactly like bf1. The only major difference is you have to aim directly at a player to throw it. The BF1 cooldown is 2 pouches, BFV felt similar. I definitely never “ran out” of pouches.

Limited supply packs

I definitly ran out of ammo to give when I had a good PTFO squad going. In the circle you can see were I'ts limited to 3 pouches. Medics never had this limitation indicator

26 Sep

    /u/riopn on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Negatively_Positive

Unlikely, but I like the way PUBG handled it. You can zoom up (focus) with steady aim feature. I think all classes should be able to steady aim (since the button is already there)

  • Iron sight 1.25x - can steady aim to zoom to 2x, fast ADS speed

  • Reflex and other non-scope sights 2x, fast ADS speed

  • 3.5x and some weird hunting sight in Beta, focus to zoom in slightly, medium ADS speed

  • 4x Scope, medium ADS speed

  • 8x Scope, slow ADS speed

Personally, I dislike the way BF1 handled ADS speed. It's too clunky and messy for players that switch classes often

I’m not sure this will solve your particular issue with ADS speed but there is a game setting under the advanced section called “uniform soldier aiming”.

Try it out. This was something I always wanted.

22 Sep


Originally posted by Dark_Angel_ALB

I think they dont do this because you would have to render the map twice which would have a huge impact in performance. Starting with bf1 the deploy screen is a realtime render where as with bf4 and previous titles it was just a map and not an actual render which allowed the devs to have a deploy view in the deploy screen. I could be wrong but thats what i believe it is.

Edit: Maybe they could make the rendering of the parrot camera with very low settings so it wouldnt have a huge impact in performance but who knows.

You're on the right track here :)

Like I said in DevTalks #2, we're making changes to the death loop... Too risky to release at launch, but changes are coming! ;)

13 Sep



Battle(non)sense and I had a Twitter conversation going a while back and I just want to share it with the rest of you, it might explain a thing or two around certain decisions :)

31 Aug


Originally posted by WillsBlackWilly

Don’t worry she will get absolutely slaughtered by a community of complete f**king assholes from r/battlefield so.

I'm trying to filter out the constructive feedback and ignore the rest! ;D


Originally posted by gwils78

The only thing I would change with the HUD, would be putting the compass at the top.

And make the achievement badge (that massive V ) less obtrusive.

The massive V has been reduced! Didn't make the Beta build, but it's much better now! :D


Originally posted by Fools_Requiem

The only thing I can think of that could be done that is HUD related, is giving players the option to place HUD objects where they wish. Like if they want the minimap in the lower right instead of the left.

Oh, and making the downed player icon transparent. I had issues in BF1 as a medic where I couldn't see an enemy behind the icon for a downed teammate and was killed because of it.


Since we brought back "SKIP REVIVE" the icon for a downed teammate has three states

  1. Default icon - The downed player does nothing while bleeding out
  2. Slightly larger and pulsating icon - The downed player is calling for help!
  3. Faded icon - The player is wants to skip revive

The faded icon state will not be in the Beta though (sorry about that), but the pulsating state should be there :)

Let me know what you think of it!


Originally posted by Nightstalker614

Please add a black border around HUD text or at least give players the option to turn a border on. It might be fine for other maps, but trying to play Narvik it was impossible to see the HUD at times because it was plain white text against the snow.

Hey! I can assure you we've experimented with a lot of different solutions, including adding an outline ;) We do have a solution to the problem but it didn't make it to the Beta, unfortunately!

I can, hopefully, share more info on the topic soon! :)

I'm lazy, so I'll just copy/paste my answer! :D


Originally posted by pepperrabbit190

I need to play the beta first before I give feedback. Nathalie has been one of the more vocal devs on this reddit so do give some good feedback. If she doesn't see it here, she will most likely respond to your tweets on twitter. What I have seen so far from the alpha to the beta is excellent progress.

I'm everywhere! ;)


Originally posted by SixelAlexiS

It's cool having options... but why don't have 2 different color selection for those? I really want the red skull but NOT the red hitmark... I want the red one only for kill confirmation.

So, there will be color hitmark customization like BF4? (headshot, arm, kill confirmation etc.)

Atm, we're going for consistency in the middle of the screen... It should be easy to connect the colors to a specific type of kill :) By doing this you'll instantly know what kind of kill it was even if you only noticed the color (and didn't see the icon/scoring/text).

We currently offer options for the following (planned default color) :

  1. Hit indicator - hit (white)
  2. Hit indicator - normal kill (soft red)
  3. Hit indicator - HS (bright red)
  4. Hit indicator - assist (yellow)

Then you can modify it however you like :)


Originally posted by Raptor_i81

Thin 1-2 pixels black outline to every white button/element , I don't know how a UI/UX designer at EA fail to implement such concept.

Hey! I can assure you we've experimented with a lot of different solutions, including adding an outline ;) We do have a solution to the problem but it didn't make it to the Beta, unfortunately!

I can, hopefully, share more info on the topic soon! :)

29 Aug


Originally posted by [deleted]

Can we turn the skulls off though, along with the sound effect?

The skulls will probably not be removed. When it comes to audio and sound I can't really answer since it's not my area, sorry!


Originally posted by BleedingUranium

Thanks for this, it's the little things like this that make all the difference!


Is there any chance we could get a colour selection tool other than the BF1-style colour-picker tool? It's virtually impossible to set a specific colour, especially on console.

Setting the three RGB values from 0 to 255 like BF4, or simply imputing a Hex value would be amazing. Dice plz? :3

I'll have a look at the RGB values and see what we can do about that. Not saying it'll happen for launch but I can at least put it on my TODO list :)