Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

25 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


He’s actually moving to Stockholm from the UK. And when I fly there I’m usually there for at least a week or so.

(And I do answer a lot of the comments. But I try not to answer the same question 9 times when it’s been answered in the same thread.)


Originally posted by [deleted]


Our QA team confirmed that Al-Sundan was stable on smaller modes. Conquest specifically caused issues, which they’re looking to address as soon as possible with a potential hotfix.

My co-workers and I like each other a lot, actually. We’re like a family. But I work in LA, not Stockholm. So sometimes i have to wake up at 5am to jump on a call to get more details, and we have PartWelsh in the EU time zone for EU coverage.

And I know what’s going on with the issues and bugs - as soon as the Devs do. So... this whole post was fun.

Always a constructive and positive conversation with you. Thanks and have a great day!


Originally posted by strict_positive

You're the mod, so you're free to make whatever rules you want. But at least own up to it and admit your own hypocrisy. That post that I linked specifically says that we're not allowed to even accuse someone of hacking/cheating, which is exactly what the OP of this thread has done, and I'm assuming they're not banned? How is that reaching?

I dont think you get it. So nevermind.


Originally posted by MrParisShoes

I kind of liked the "end of round music" bug. It made the match more exciting.

(Can I tell you a secret? Me too.)


Originally posted by 1MC_

If the issue is still on going since the last time this was announced we in for the long haul I guess.

No need to be so abrupt in your comment as well.

I wasn't abrupt. I literally answered your question - without wasting words or time, without being snarky or sassy.
Have a great day.


Originally posted by ImpactNote

Hey u/Braddock, thanks for your Response, but I meant „ the Dome“, which is coming with this update. Is it playable tomorrow or do we have to wait till Thursday? 👍☺️

Oh. Thanks for the clarification! It's part of the game update for tomorrow. The Dome is Firestorm specific, so it wouldn't need to wait for Al-Sundan on Thursday.


Originally posted by 1MC_

Do you have a ETA on AI-Sundan for conquest? I play either squad or tdm due it be not my thing. Don't you think it release this stuff all to together or is it without 1/2 days of eachother?

I made previous comments ( one of the highest voted lets say quandaries ) about the ingame store and how its going to in the future I don't wish to copy and paste for a 3rd time but I did cc you and PartWelsh in both if you take a look if you got time.

No, I don't have an ETA. The team is working diligently to resolve the issues affecting Conquest on Al-Sundan and when they share their progress with us, we'll share it with you.

RE: your previous posts concerning CC and the Armory, I don't have an answer for you at this time.


Originally posted by bluntsandroses

So this is a standard from now on? New maps without Breakthrough?

Breakthrough is a larger mode and as we're having issues with Conquest - we've opted to launch the map with the smaller modes first, resolve the crashing issue, and then roll out additional modes. As noted in another reply I've shared, we'll have more information on additional modes coming to Al-Sundan later this week.


Originally posted by kna5041

How can I help report cheaters if the information in my reports are not being looked at?

If you're referring to clips/videos, sometimes they're not necessary to review if the offender is already on our radar. This doesn't mean to not share them, however.


Originally posted by ImpactNote

Is the firestorm update tomorrow playable or also Thursday ?

We do have some Firestorm fixes and improvements as noted in the Update Notes linked in the calendar.

Unfortunately, Squad Respawn and the Loot System Update didn't make it in this update - this was miscommunicated on the Chapter 4 blog - rather than saying it was "coming in the first update", it should've noted that they're "coming in Chapter 4". We're working with the team to find out when those items will come to Firestorm.

I know that's frustrating - trust me. That frustration is shared. u/PartWelsh and I will work to get more details and an ETA on when they will be rolled out.


Originally posted by KillerCh33z

When Al-Sundan issues are fixed and it’s rolled out for Conquest, will that require another update? Or will it be activated server side?

It may require a hotfix - which would be a download. Once I get confirmation on exactly when it will be resolved, I’ll be able to share more details.


Originally posted by bluntsandroses

Gotcha, you just dodge it twice.

Read the link. I updated my reply. Have an awesome day.


Originally posted by bluntsandroses

This guy is asking about Breakthrough. Can you please stop dodging the answer?

I’ve answered. Thanks!


Originally posted by BlinkysaurusRex

Al Sundan Breakthrough release date?

June 27th for Squad Conquest and TDM. Once we get confirmation that issues affecting Conquest on Al-Sundan are resolved, we’ll let you know and roll it out as well. As far as Breakthrough, we’ll be looking to add additional modes. I’ll confirm with the dev team.


Originally posted by battlefieldman1942

So those of us who have zero desire in small game modes like Squad conquest and call of duty camp fest pike tdm CANT experience the new map ? You guys are really inserting foot in mouth with this content . 7 months we get one shitty mercury map , just when I was ready to be excited for once we can’t even play the new map on conquest. Idc what the issue is I rather crash and go back to the lobby than have to keep playing this shit maps

I’m sorry you feel that way. You can experience the map on Squad Conquest and TDM in the meantime as we fix the issues with Conquest.


Last week was a bit quiet - so we decided to pack a punch this week. Let's dive in.

Monday, 6/24/2019

  • This Week in Battlefield V - An overview of this week's news, blogs, content, and more. As items are added or shifted, this will be updated. Keep an eye on it through the week for redirect links!
  • ...
Read more External link →

24 Jun


Originally posted by Spartycan1993

Still no fix for the weapons and equipment not unlocking when exiting a match after levelling in it? It's been 2 weeks and im still waiting on my level 4 weapon to unlock. I shouldnt have to be messaging support every time i level up to receive my progression unlocks...

The issue should be resolved, as we noted last Monday. All you have to do is hit the next level of progression and not exit before the End of Round. If you’re still having an issue specific to your account, contact EA Help as they’ll need to look at your account details.


This has been addressed a few times already by them, they have no plan to develop a companion app for BFV. The platoon functionality is still operational in the current Battlefield app. As far as stats go, they can be found in game under Profile and at


Originally posted by Not-the-best-name

Wait, is THAT what happens when a ammo crate is destroyed? O couldn't work out what the point of rebuilding it is when it gives ammo either way. So it doesn't give gadgets?

Sorry, meant interact - phone writing!