Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

13 Jun


Originally posted by Daubbles

The guy that talks about the objectives.

In the game mode, because the towers are constantly changing hands or being destroyed or being built, he is talking non-stop.

Hard to get that immersive feeling when there's a dude over the radio telling me everytime something happens, especially when most of it doesnt effect me unless I'm standing on the point.

I get that it's default, but this game mode is like a full speed scramble from point to point, so he's talking the entire game.

HAHAH. I was honestly, for a second like, 'Is he talking to me? About me? My JOB is tell y'all when things are happening.' LOL

Yeah, I noticed the same thing. It CAN be helpful, but due to the fast pace and various things to do with the points/towers, it can be a bit obnoxious. I'll share that feedback with the team. Thanks!


Originally posted by TahitiMagical

Is this week the switxhblade? Because I'm not jumping through hoops for a switchblade...

There’s a thread linked above that shows the weapon. Go take a look.


Originally posted by ToLurkorCirclejerk

The Firestorm early drop glitch hasn't been fixed.

I escalated this yesterday so they can take a look.


Originally posted by Astug

Does this mean that those affected by the stuttering/performance issue since the last patch will have to wait another 2 weeks to able to play again? :/

It is the top priority issue and we have fixes coming with the next update to address it.


Originally posted by FILLIP_KIRKOROV

I'm confused. So will the update be at the end of June or next week?

I’ll reiterate.

The client/game update is the last week of June. The blog mentioning the Firestorm changes as “coming mid-June” was correct, but the update was moved out a week to add more fixes. So, those Firestorm changes will be coming with the client/game update the last week of June.


Haha holy sh*t, that's amazing! I love when everything comes together to create these movie moments :D


Originally posted by Lenny_V1

Perfect. Might be tossing something your way on Twitter soon.

Looking forward to it!


Originally posted by KOman93

So the Firestorm changes won't come in mid-June? :(

They come with the next client update (last week of June). The original blog that said mid-June was predicated on the fact that the client update would be next week. It’s the following week.


Originally posted by joebonekenobi

Max level in everything XP means jackshit to me. ill buy this properly bugged / poor design weapon for cc 1700 and still be laughing at state of this game.

Okie dokie!


Originally posted by mrpopopuffs

Hey Jeff just an idea but it would be cool if you could label these with something like 1-1(for the first one in the first row), and 2-1 (the first one in the second row), similar to Mario or something. Especially when I wanna get hyped while at work

That’s a good idea! And thanks for the recommendation! I’ll look into improving it.


It’s a bug. We’re working on getting it back in the Company for purchase.


Originally posted by Parrotherb

Hey u/Braddock512 You didn't react to my last tagged post, so I'm just gonna repost everyday until on of the CM's acknowledges it.

I'm not able to purchase the M1922 MG, even though I should. It's not even listed as a supporter weapon in the menu and I only found out about that weapon when I got killed by it and googled it's name.

Many others seem to experience the same thing, is the team working on it?

Edit: here's the link to a thread pointing out this issue

Sorry I missed the tag, buddy! I escalated this. We’re working on getting it back in the Company for purchase. It’s not gone for ever. Just a bug.

(I also posted on the thread you linked just now. Thanks!)


Originally posted by Ewokhunters

No it doesnt

Right it seems like even less dmg. 1 stick almost never kills a soldier. I miss old battlefield tnt.


Originally posted by Starshine95

Haha nice one


Dynamite against soldiers in this game is pathetic. Stick of dynamite on their face does like 50 dmg.


Originally posted by Daubbles

Can we get the dude to shut the f**k up everytime something happens?

He's constantly talking.

Who are you referring to?


Originally posted by MartianGeneral

"Map feels half of what it should be"

It feels too small especially after you experience Frontlines or Breakthrough. Whenever I play CQ on Mercury, I feel as if the teams have been pushed into a tiny part of the map with a huge area begging to be explored. I also feel the village area needs to be 1 larger flag that is in the center of the map alongside radio.

Which locations do you feel should have been part of the map?

Ruins and Supply Docks IMO are the most interesting locations that have been omitted from CQ and which could fit quite well into the layout. Supply docks just feels very classic in terms of design and Ruins fits the theme of Mercury extremely well and playing in and around ruins on FL and Domination is an absolute blast!

I'd say the Island would be interesting too but since there are no water vehicles nor is the island connected to the main land in any way, I think it would ...

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Thanks for sharing!