Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

18 Jun


Originally posted by DinoKebab

Had a quick scan through the comments and didn't see anyone mention it but what's going on with this plane audio bug that has been around for weeks now. Sounds like a plane is flying solidly right on top of your head. It's especially noticable on Fjell and seriously impacts game play as you can't hear anything else going on around you....

Plane audio bug is fixed in the next update, as is the music bug.


Originally posted by Jesse_James_

O gosh im not at home at the moment but i do remember missing everything unlocked within the past two days or so class wise soldier rank wise etc.. i believe im medic 12 for example but still have the lv 10 gun locked sorry do wish i was home to give you more information ☹

It’s okay. Do me a favor, when you get home, hard reset your console (hold the power button on the console for like 35 seconds). Then boot up, login, launch BFV, play a round - all the way to the EoR report, and check again. We pushed a fixed that should fix missed rewards.

We are still working on the EoR bug issue, but the unlocks should work now.


Originally posted by Jesse_James_

Sure did sir just got off the game 30 minutes or so ago as of then still missing unlock rewards assignment unlocks CC currency for soldier unlocks etc....

What specific rank unlocks are you missing ? Medic class level 8 but didn’t get the rank 6 weapon, etc?


Originally posted by MonoRedBaron

I know I'm the 1747285739472th person to say this, but is there any news on planned tanker/pilot customization?

No, there’s no news. At this time, it’s not a priority for the team. If that changes or if they decide to add customization for pilots/tankers, we’ll definitely let you know.


Originally posted by Jesse_James_

u/Braddock512 Still missing rank weapon unlocks and class rank unlocks as well as CC for Player Rank unlocks. Platform: PS4 USERNAME: Jesse_James-574-

Have you played a round this morning to completion?


Originally posted by shasa995

Very interesting..I hope that our answer will be useful to the team!

Genuinely they are. Most importantly we hope that ultimately, as we process the feedback and decide what we can turn into action that it proves to be useful back to everyone else too.


Originally posted by Lock3down221

Just answered it.. Fjell really needs some rework.. In its current state, all it takes are 2-3 good pilots to rain hell on the other team and ruin the experience..

This very much seems to be the common trend in feedback, and I've certainly shared this with the team as a thought starter for them.

What's your personal view on this? Given the ability, what would you change on the map to address this? Delete planes? Add more AA? Change the flyzone?


Originally posted by IlPresidente995

What's wrong with hamada?

I'm a fan of it personally. I recognize that for some folks that the map doesn't suit their playstyles. There's a lot of open spaces that are great for vehicle players and pilots, but beyond some of the flags are said to feel quite empty for folks.

Would be keen for those who rate the map less favorably to reply below and share their thoughts for all to see.


Originally posted by GlintSteel

i've done it 3 times on survey and i will do this again, change your trashy fairfight to better anti-cheat, asia player really struggling, maybe u european or US player not because you got some morale that like "games will be more fun if you do it purely with your own skills" but not us asian we got some culture and its pretty ignorant one like "everything is allowed as long u not get caught" and sadly that culture come to gaming too :(

link video about it this 18 june 3 pm :

from what i've seen this, your anti-cheat (fairfight) clearly collecting the wrong stats if they aren't catching these guys with snap aim and damage mods and wallhacks that are so obvious from spectating.

Already reported that guy on video around 10 times these past 2 weeks through ea help,origin overlay and even dm'ed lylbit today to report internally and still not banned (yet) sinc...

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I will share your comment above directly with the Anti-Cheat team. It won't generate a response from them, or myself on the topic as our policy is not to discuss our approaches to Anti Cheat (beyond what we've commented on publicly) - but I will 100% send your comment through to the team.


Originally posted by GlintSteel

U can actually mate, but not custom ones. I got the ea play emblem and setting it for my platoon and the sticker appear.

Yeah one of the things that currently sort of misbehaves is that if you're presently representing a platoon - it doesn't always show your own Emblem as selected in the menus. If you stop representing your platoon suddenly you find that all your vehicles and weapons and the like are all suddenly displayed.


Originally posted by FILLIP_KIRKOROV

when will the platoon emblems be returned? I've asked many times, but never got an answer :(

I don't believe that we presently have this in the plans anywhere. The current system wasn't designed to support them.

Edit - For clarification, this was in relation to custom Platoon Emblems that existed in past BF titles. You can select Platoon Emblems from the existing roster of Emblems in BFV, though they've been a tad broken recently. Fix for this should be coming next week.


Providing a mid month reminder that you're always invited to directly share your feedback with us via the above Survey Link. We track feedback all over the place, but if you have a few minutes spare in your day, myself and /u/braddock512 always appreciate the statistical version of that.

One thing that you asked us to do last month was to share what it was we were seeing in our surveys. I previously posted this out on Twitter but I'...

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Originally posted by Stealthweezy

Wow, either I’m completely incompetent or just unaware. It showed up there and allowed me to purchase it. I had no idea

Sweet. Glad it worked out! Enjoy!


Originally posted by IcyGenerals

Bombastic fantastic? this is a new game mode? or which game modes will be included in this playlist?

Breakthrough and Conquest modes on 5 different maps including Mercury.


Originally posted by r6Camgirl69

When i contacted EA support they said the only singleplayer reward they could give me was the last tiger tank skin.

Case number?


Originally posted by Memento_31

How about adding freelook to firestorm when we are jumping in?

Definitely something I’ve heard the Dev team mention.


Originally posted by Stealthweezy

Yes I’m looking there right now and it’s not even listed on here. Last item I have is the P08 Carbine and then it goes back to the Lee at the top.

Can you go to your Company, go to Replace Weapon and take a screenshot and then post it here?


Originally posted by psuedojon

I was playing when I messaged you, just finished a round and it has now appeared. Thanks for your help!

Sweet! Now I can go to bed. Thanks for the update.