Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042 Dev Tracker

13 Nov


Originally posted by Soul-Assassin79

How about saying something like "we're listening, we here you, and this is what we're working on to fix it"


Originally posted by Castle_Of_Glass

He's right tho. I appreciate you taking the time to actually check the sub and comment but we just want our voices heard regarding the issues with this game. It's awfully quiet. But yeah, this post is about a different topic.

people take notice, things take time though.


Originally posted by Soul-Assassin79

"enter generic DICE response to praise or memes to show we're interacting with the community and listening here™"

"enter generic response of appreciation to comment in the thread by developer that also checks reddit on occasion™"

12 Nov


Originally posted by thefunkybassist

Man I love this so much!


Thanks for taking notice!
Was quite the challenge getting this to work without it ending up with artefacts when further away from the screen :D

    EA_Leeuw on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey @DarthLord_Ultnet,

It sounds like you have two things going on.

You have pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition of the game via Steam, which gives you Early Access starting a few hours ago. See here:
Early Access means that you can play the game for as long as you want, since you pre-ordered the game. Standard smile... Read more
    EA_Lanna on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @BlueEagle7000 and @EnigmaBeaver,


If you're missing the pre-order content, please reach out to support and they'll take a look into it for you. Who you contact will depend on what store you made the purchase from: 

Read more

Originally posted by mattypanckake420

You guys are quick into action lol. Yeah no problem. Pretty badass game you guys made nice work mate

Thanks :)

11 Nov


Originally posted by angryoldgamer18

Yes, that’s exactly what I did, I entered the settings menu from the main menu (not during the tutorial). I also force closed and relaunched the game (twice), it’s still locked.

Thanks! I had a chat with one of the UX Engineers who volunteered that we had seperate Help text posted in the Xbox Menu (my original screenshot from PC).

The tooltip on Xbox instead advises you to change your Xbox Account settings -> IMAGE

Settings -> Account -> Privacy & Online Safety -> Xbox Privacy -> View Details & Customise -> Communication & Multiplayer


Originally posted by iCaps_

I loved your work in BFV and the changes you started introducing to the franchise. I think it added a nice layer of flavor and variety.

What was your favorite new feature you helped design/implement for this release?

Thank you! 😊

Probably the new Parachute with its steering mode that allows you to easily navigate around at the cost of not being able to use your weapon and the other mode which does the opposite (very little steering but possibly to use most weapons, gadgets or throwables)


By the mother of all penguins, tis glorious.


Originally posted by angryoldgamer18

Nope, had literally just turned on the game.

If it's your very first boot and this is appearing in the initial Accessibility setting, clear through the initial tutorial, return to the main menu, and let me know if the issue persists.


If you were in a party at the time, you can't change the setting. Leave your party, and you can change the setting.

edit: On PC - Here's

a helpful tooltip for you

edit2: The tooltip on Xbox advises you to change your Xbox Account settings -> IMAGE

Settings -> Account -> Privacy & Online Safety -> Xbox Privacy -> View Details & Customise -> Communication & Multiplayer


Interesting, I think it has something to do with the open container you teleported to. It's probably a moving one, and we had some problems with moving objects in the past. I asked QV to take a look at this problem, thanks for sharing :)