Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Dev Tracker

09 Oct


Originally posted by pradayoubeats

Chill bro, i was just trying to help you lol

It helps to not be definitive when sharing like this. I work for the studio and sharing definitively is a risk in the rare chance that something isn't fixed.


We're aware of this one and tracking.


For context, this was a bug where placeholder UI from Black Ops 4 was leftover in a Message of the Day template.


Originally posted by Day0fRevenge

Right now, I'm watching Scumps stream and the sound completely changed. You are not alone! It's like you are wearing a helmet and the sound is muffled. The sound is not 'open' as it was in the Alpha.

The game is also over bassy to the point you have this wub-wub feeling going on all the time. I appreciate Treyarch trying to change these things, but the game isn't pleasing to hear at all. It's all over the place and straining.

The alpha was perfect. Sure the gun sounds needed a little tiny bit more punch and the steps needed some range adjustments, but the general direction was good!

Have you tried using any of the audio presets we have in our beta? Try giving High Boost a shot and let me know how you feel about it.


Originally posted by onauxiliarypower

Sure, no problem! It’s a bit late to do it now but I’ll link it up here tomorrow.

Understandable and we appreciate you taking the time to record tomorrow! If possible, please do not adjust any audio or hardware settings, other than those necessary to record/upload, so that we can try to see what you're experiencing.

We'll follow-up with additional questions after that and with any others that may pop into the thread.


Originally posted by onauxiliarypower


Absolutely, it’s my only issue at the moment.

  • I am still experiencing this, it’s every match regardless of the map or zone being played in at any given time.
  • I’m listening through Turtle Beach Stealth 700 headphones. I have not tried playing without headphones although wish I tried that now!
  • I’m playing on the PS4 slim.

No problem! I’m happy to record gameplay/try any suggestions you might have.

This is all great information to have and you touched on a few of our follow-up questions. If you can, please record a sample of this and upload it to YouTube. You can set the video to unlisted if you don't want it to sit on your profile.


Hi there! We found your thread and are curious if you would answer a few questions:

  • Are you still experiencing this issue? If so, is it every match?
  • Can you share with us how you are listening to our game?
  • Can you also share which version of the PlayStation 4 you are on?


08 Oct


Hiya! We've got some improvements for colorblind settings inbound for launch which we think you will appreciate. Your callout regarding utilizing greens instead of pinks/reds for deuteranopia is also addressed. :)


Originally posted by cspruce89

Lo siento, amigo.

I've switched back and it was indeed the game mode being off. Usually on xbox, different input settings. Recently got the PS4 out and hooked up just for the beta, and hadn't set the picture settings for that tv input yet.

Yes, I pre-ordered the game just for the extra 2 days on a system I don't regularly play. I'm that big of a fan of the series... I pre-ordered CoD (the very first on CD-ROM) at Circuit City...

Cold War has so far been, the best in the past 10 years. Thanks for contributing to the franchise and the proactivity.

Glad you’re enjoying it and glad you were able to set the TV up! :)


Originally posted by Recent-Project-6637

Make smaller 6v6 maps please! big maps are awful. killing the game.

Spamming me with off-topic feedback is just gonna get you muted. I could understand a one-off of “while you’re here” but this ain’t cool, yo.


Originally posted by cspruce89

Oh wow, I will respond on the stickied post for visibility.

Please don't. That's not me and responding to that will not indicate that you have issued a response to me. That's just there so people know that a dev/studio staff/player support member has engaged.


Originally posted by Tenacious_DDD

Good to know but since most people though the perk works as a "good player UAV", It isn´t better to change the text? (sry my bad english)

We'll definitely take a look at the description.


Originally posted by ThePickledPickle

So basically, it just changes the shape of their indicator on the map, not a constant mark?

So basically, it just changes the shape of their indicator on the map, not constantly marking them?

Correct. A player would need to be on a killstreak using unsuppressed weapons, not using Ghost while a Spy Plane is active, or not moving/defusing/planting/controlling streaks while having Ghost equipped while a Spy Plane is active in order to be identified with the special indicator on the mini-map.