Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Dev Tracker

16 Oct


Originally posted by etfd-

Could you please elaborate on not being 1:1?

Because I recorded a macro that in MW19 would move the gun to the point that was initially on the edge of the monitor. And in BOCW the macro when executed moves the gun to that same point on the edge the field of view with that exact same sensitivity.

Yet you say it's not the same, revealing that it does not 'feel' 1:1 and that you needed different sensitivities, possibly the inconsistency I am talking about?

Will double-check for PC.


Originally posted by etfd-

i7 4770k
GTX 1660 Super
Razer Deathadder Elite (2016) - 1800 DPI, 1000Hz polling rate

6.35 in game sens, 1.78 relative coefficient, 'gradual' ADS timing, affected FOV, 120 FOV.

It just feels extremely 'floaty' when switching between targets. I use exact same settings in MW19 but it feels completely off.

Have you tried shifting to instant instead of gradual ADS as suggested by peers?


Originally posted by morty_sucks

Same issue here, i have the same sens in MW but its doesn’t seem to be consistent.

Our sensitivity is not 1:1 with MW. I use a 10.2 in MW/WZ and a 9.35 in CW.

Edit: Going to double-check this one. There's always the potential that my information could be wrong or out-of-date.

Edit 2: Context and clarity here.


Originally posted by etfd-

/u/foxhoundfps this needs to be fixed urgently. the more time you play this game the more you ruin your aim getting used to something fundementally broken.

Can you share more about your system and mouse?


Originally posted by NFSEdenShores

Getting it on PS4 too but only on fireteam

We're aware of some performance issues in Fireteam: Dirty Bomb, and the team will continue to monitor and investigate.

15 Oct


Originally posted by darthsonic2

u/FoxhoundFPS. Overall very pleased with the work you and the team have done with this game.

Thank you for the feedback! The Treyarch and Beenox teams are doing some awesome stuff and I'll pass this along.


We are continuing to actively investigate this issue.

14 Oct


Blog Update: We've updated our Bug Fixes section to provide context regarding controller issues.

  • Fixed: Controller input locked if a keyboard + mouse was used in a previous session.
  • Investigating: An issue where a controller can become unresponsive when loading into a match. [Example Thread]