Bless Unleashed

Bless Unleashed Dev Tracker

10 Nov

09 Nov


Originally posted by DictatorDany

I’m not really sure about that. I do the same as you’re saying PS4 players do, and so do all the other people I played with on Xbox.

We probably just run in different circles XD I never thought about it before but "regions" seems to be the correct term so I'm going to try to start using it


Originally posted by Cpaalmz

Sorry for the late comment but does this pertain to PS4 as well? I know people already have some locked down but it’s impossible to find any information specifically for PS4.. thanks in advance, it’s much appreciated!

No worries. Yes, ancient chests are the same on all platforms

08 Nov


Originally posted by awesomeemm

Any chance you can fix the bug with teleport and loading freeze at 76 percent

Unfortunately we aren't devs. This is a community-run subreddit. I recommend writing a ticket at


Originally posted by yasyil

I found one or similar chest right after the Wolfking when i started new i did go northay and then did see there Human Mobs Lv24? Red and wanted to go back but it was gated/barricaded. Well i did ride on my Mount till Sperios and found halfway a goldchest. After that i teleported from Sperios entrance back to Wolfking

Aye there is one that spawns right there in the middle of the field


Originally posted by DictatorDany

More than one on the entire map not more than one per region. Unless they’ve changed it in the past two months.

I'm starting to realize that while Xbox refer to a single location (Carzacor, Tristezza etc) as map, PS4 players say region. When Xbox players mean the whole map, they say "world" or "world map"


Originally posted by PercNowitzki828

respawn rate is incorrect

It's really 15 minutes per channel/map


With all the hype for PS4 and PC, Xbox player numbers have also gone up and people are excited to play again. If I were you I would get some time in before Nov 19 so you can get accustomed to changes that were part of Saurin Deception and the Spring Update. PK happens, but very rarely and hardly at all if you know what areas to avoid


Originally posted by katiushaBU

The GMs have said some things that weren't exactly right in the past, but maybe we can trust this one... Its worth a shot rather than sitting on the rock for 30min lol

It would explain why sometimes it feels like hundreds of pumas are dead and still no invasion. Maybe we've just been doing it wrong lol