Bless Unleashed

Bless Unleashed Dev Tracker

02 Nov


If you already connected the founders pack with a different PS4 account, it is only usable on characters linked to the same account. It sounds like your choices at this point are either play on the European account that you linked your key to, or contact support and ask them to exchange your key for a North America one


On Xbox we had an exclusive mount that appeared in the stable and we all freaked out trying to figure out how to get it. It became claimable through Xbox perks like a month later. Maybe this is your version of an exclusive mount that will become available through PSN later


Originally posted by Trekz707

Umm it's been a minute so I don't really remember , but it's at the entrance and not in the arena , the arena only has regular iron

It's right outside the east exit of the ampitheater. On the little hill next to the varg that is standing across from the telepost


This is like walking into a Burger King and asking the people there if you should try Wendy's


Originally posted by Stars_of_Sirius

Does this mean I have the power to implement things in the game now? ;)

Haha nope this glitch does not come with GM powers

01 Nov


Just in case you didn't know, you do a lot more damage to the pumpkin if you attack it with the Halloween blessing

31 Oct


I heard they don't stack anymore


The lore to this game world is amazing. The game doesn't really present it to you very well, so you have to dig for it.


If you've just barely stuck your head in the door and already judging it to be terrible, maybe it's not for you


Nope, a bandai account is free. And you need it to play and receive twitch drops etc


Having a giant slab of metal against your bare back in the desert heat seems like a bad idea


Originally posted by United_Illustrator50

It's Assassin, it's probably the next class.

In another loading screen that same Varg is dual-wielding short swords