Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars Dev Tracker

29 Mar


It's not a matter of believing, really.

Based on reference data sets we can merely conclude that the current set of maps has no direct impact on the popularity of Duels.

That doesn't mean you specifically (ex. Twitter, Reddit) think like that. It means the player base at large practically plays like the maps don't make a difference.

Twitter and Reddit represent less than 1% of our players. 99%+ of our players aren't represented here and generally aren't as vocal about the game they play. It's totally OK that you as individuals believe it's the maps fault and ultimately that's your personal opinion, I won't tell you what to like and what not to like. Statistically however, maps aren't causing this.

Opinions β‰  statistical facts

28 Mar


Originally posted by KR_Kosmik

It means both, which is why I hate the word

lol I tried to avoid β€œevery other month” because also confuses people but "bi-monthly" confused you all in a different way :D I meant once every two months! Specially because we are testing the format, so don’t wanna commit to it before knowing how it’ll go!


Long story short: TIME TO EXPLAIN is the new Brawl Stars podcast which will try to address most of the community's burning questions!

- Questions with more likes/upvotes will have a higher chance of being answered
- You can ask it in any language
- The first episode will air somewhere in mid-April!
- This is just a test, so let's see how it goes, but we intend to make this bi-monthly

27 Mar

26 Mar


Let’s see if we can make it to a 1000 days!

25 Mar


It’s probably because of the colors (the filter blocks things it doesn’t understand - for safety reasons) But it should be working fine now (we’ve just whitelisted these codes)


Originally posted by CaptainMiho

Sadly, I do not know if he has seen this art.πŸ˜‚

Yes! I’m seeing now! Thank you, Miho!


They got us

24 Mar