Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

09 Aug


Originally posted by King0llie

These posts are so welcome mate, communication is the key to keeping everyone happy and informed!

That executioner will be very similar to Hunter if you make those changes, but i guess they would excel in certain situations.

I think a better rework would be:

  • Now costs 4 elixir
  • Reduce HP slightly/Damage
  • Increase attack speed and projectile speed

This will then let him compete with the baby dragon, but he will be a ground troop. With the increase in attack/projectile speed he will be better at clearing swarms and be a bit more reliable, but reduced damage means hes less useful vs tanks (exe/nado doesnt rek everything)

What you think?

The original version of the rework was at 4 Elixir! But as we playtested and polled players, it became apparent that Executioner is played largely because of his toughness. If we made him 4 cost and lowered his health to die to Lightning, we would be betraying every existing Executioner player and that's not a good way to start off a rework. Ultimately keeping him Lightning proof at equal levels was a core pillar of the new design, along with needing to kill Barbarians with a single attack.


Originally posted by Vikmania

The executioner rework seems interesting. It will be something I will be looking for next season.

Ideally we have big reworks coming every month or every other month for a while. There are a lot of cards that need love but shouldn't just get a direct stats buff. Executioner has stood out for a while - he's been underperforming in competitive play, but just a 10% health buff doesn't really fix that fact that he's not particularly unique when compared to the variety of ranged splash attackers. Hopefully making him the shortest range but highest damage anti-air splash attacker creates interesting decisions of Ice Wiz vs Baby Dragon vs new Executioner

What other cards do y'all think could use a full design rework?


Originally posted by ThatRandomCeltic

Any chance we will see any changes for clan wars in the next update? Itโ€™s sort of getting repetitive and starting to feel like more of a chore (to help the rest of my clan) than something I play to enjoy every time.

Short answer: No, not in the next update

Long answer: We have had literally hours upon hours of discussions about Clan Wars. Overall, the team agrees that it needs an update. However, we feel the problems with Clan Wars are deeper than just surface-level fixes. We have seen multiple community posts/videos about requested changes (more capped modes, donating War Day battles, resetting Trophies, etc) but even if we did all of those changes there would still be systemic issues with Clan Wars that get stale over time. Clan Wars needs to be a huge, socially-driven endgame and its just not quite filling that role for now.

We have a variety of whiteboards / prototypes towards a Clan Wars update, but we can't provide a timeline for its launch. When you do get it though, we promise it will be epic and change the way Clash Royale is played forever :)


Originally posted by ApolloXX85

What games did he work on before Clash Royale?

Hey! I have spent my whole career working on large mobile games. I believe nearly every game I have worked on has spent time in the Top 50 charts, I spent 2011 -> 2016 in Silicon Valley. I took a two year attempt at YouTube/streaming/esports and while there were certain aspects of it that I enjoyed, I preferred to work in a collaborative environment doing game development more than purely content creation.

Hey Reddit,

Itโ€™s been a few days since Season 2 dropped, and we've seen a LOT of discussion this week. We wanted to open up this thread as a bit of a Discussion Thread just to see what's on your mind, and to provide you with some of our thoughts as well.

Think of it as a super casual AMA where myself and u/Supercell-Seth will be answering questions about Season 2 and anything else. (Please note that not replying to a question does not mean we have ignored it!)


We also wanted to take this opportunity to provide some info on our ideas for Season 3 Balance Changes to let you know what's currently on our mind, and for some community feedback way ahead of time. These are NOT final.


Read more External link โ†’

07 Aug


Originally posted by [deleted]


we're not trying to lower the value of anything. with the trophy road we regularly move awards around. due to the large amount of complaints about the fisherman replacing legendary chest, we've heard you already and it won't be a forced pick next month.

one of the main complaints about new legendaries and new cards in particular is that it takes ages to level them up once they're released, so this way you can work on upgrading your fisherman. we believe that as fisherman is still the newest card it will be easy to trade away if you don't want it, and we also wanted to give players who hadn't unlocked it yet a way to unlock it that wasn't through chests.

with pass royale, the legendary chest was moved to accommodate players who didnt make it all the way to the end of the pass last time. this way pass royale players can get their legendary earlier. again, we have heard your feedback on this and as always, we are willing to make changes if we feel it is what both we an...

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Originally posted by Marcostbo

I never ever seen the Clash Royale community (including my self) so angry with the current state of the game.

I 100% agree that they are decreasing in quality of contents, but the worst part is the balance changes, before they kill a card they should consider that a lot of people spent time, gold and tokens to upgrade a useless card. Sometimes i feel they dont give a shit about players.

before they kill a card they should consider that a lot of people spent time, gold and tokens to upgrade a useless card

we do consider this,. and in fact, we would never choose to 'kill' a card. balance changes have been out for 48hours now, which is too soon to make a judgement. when it comes to balance changes, the point of this is to make the cards balanced. barb barrel has consistently been a top use rate/win rate card for the past year or so, always providing incredible value. which is already a red flag and we have consistently tried to return it to a more balanced card. by reducing its damage we have only changed 1 of its many use cases, but we still see it being viable in a lot of decks. it will just not be as OP as it used to be.

Sometimes i feel they dont give a sh*t about players.

i am legit sorry that you feel that way - players are what keep the game going. obviously we care about our players - without players there is no ...

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06 Aug


Originally posted by Teto-

If I can detail my thoughts, if I said important, it's for something like #official balance & update that would have a direct impact on the game.
I liked Seth's "design blog"for example, quality post that generates a discussion.
Making posts that would share a vision, a feedback on the game, not necessarily a "What Weโ€™ve Been Up To", which is not necessarily relevant every week I agree.

totally agree with this! love those posts from seth and they're the quality of posts i believe we should be delivering to you guys. again, thanks for the feedback!


cool idea! would love to mix & match these. maybe when we have a few more tower skins out ๐Ÿ˜‰


Originally posted by jmanguy

Also, what the heck happened to Developer Q&As? They used to be super frequent, but the last one that happened was over a year ago and that was about eSports, not the game. Weekly communication was super cool but theyโ€™ve stopped dropping those too :/

u/trikshot360 messaged us about doing an AMA last week - we're working on sorting one out but i wanted to get season 2 out first!


Originally posted by Teto-

What is funny about the Weekly Communication Topics is that they have recruited a new community manager and the frequency of communication decreases.
There is no need to have super important topics every time, but keeping a contact with the community of their game is important.

RE: communication topics
these stopped being weekly some time ago! there wasn't an announcement, but it is usually communicated whenever i see this issue brought up.

" There is no need to have super important topics every time"

i disagree that making a post for the sake of making a post is really adding anything to discussion, and when we used to make 'small' weekly updates, we received negative feedback due to not giving too much info.

i would much rather make more informative, meaningful posts than be stuck into a mandatory weekly thread that potentially didn't really give anything to players (which is why we stopped making them weekly).

"keeping a contact with the community of their game is important"
i agree - this is why we are also in contact with you guys through comments and other threads - weekly threads were not the only place we respond to you.

this comment is not meant to put you on blast btw - i just...

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Originally posted by Sale07

Drew responded saying he was banned legitimately, but quickly deleted his comment which is kinda suspicious, why delete the comment if you are sure he was banned legitimately

i deleted it because i found another comment to reply to - and thought the comment didn't really make sense 'we don't comment on people's bans' while i was literally commenting on them publicly

it was in the middle of launching the new season so i just left it as i had a bunch of other stuff to do. nothing suspicious! not everything is a supercell conspiracy lol.

either way - i'll reply here now :

the player was banned legitimately.


Originally posted by Skray_X

No new star skins... again! ๐Ÿ˜’

We will be adding more Star Levels in coming Seasons, though they will not be in every Season

05 Aug


Originally posted by Reeskikker

I have seen SEVERAL posts about it last month, you must have missed them. I don't know if this is related to Pass Royale (I have seen players who don't own Pass Royale with this issue as well) but I am sure it was introduced with the July update. But really it has been posted a lot last month.

that's fair enough - we may have missed them! we'll be looking into it tomorrow thanks to this post.


Originally posted by billybobjoseph

Same here, what in the world? u/supercell_drew get on this new bug

never heard of it until today. if it happened last month i'm sure we would have seen reddit posts about it too, so perhaps it's a new one. i have forwarded this post to the team - thanks for the reproduction steps u/Vexium


posting this here for visibility - comment from another thread


PSA: Trophy Road Card Collection Bug


There are player reports that they aren't getting the cards they chose from the choices.

We have replicated and identified this bug, and there is a visual issue that makes it seem this way - but you are receiving the correct cards.

The bug explanation:
(this only occurs on the 'multiple choice' Trophy Road cards)

  1. You have 0/50 Epic Cards
  2. You must choose between Cannon Cart or 10 random Epic cards
    You choose the random choice
  3. You are given 10 (you are now at 10/50)
  4. The animation then plays, but the visual logic thinks that you are receiving 10 on top of the 10 you just got, and so it displays 20/50
  5. When you go to check the cards, it displays 10/50 (correct amount)
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